Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Most Famous Tourist Attractions In Nigeria

By Marcy Becker

Travelers who have a sense of adventure and excitement, then Nigeria is definitely a place that should not be missed. The tourist attractions in Nigeria are breathtaking and will really showcase the culture and history of this African country. Here is a list of some of the popular destinations for travelers who love to explore.

This first stop is for people who love scenery and water. This destination is none other than the Azumini blue river rose which is known to have the clearest waters in the country. In the earlier years, people would come to this river to sunbathe and even paint it. Nowadays, it has become more commercialized and has turned into a resort. Guests may even go boat riding or swimming in this clean body of water.

Now history lovers will also appreciate what this country has to offer. The famous long Juju shrine of Arochukwu is one of the most famous historical landmarks in the area. It is said to have an oracle inside that is used for religious purposes. It is said that there is a metal pipe there that serves as the communication between the gods and men.

Aside from that, the beaches are another thing that Nigeria is very famous for. One of the more well known ones is the Ibeno beach which has the finest sand in the continent. For those who love to beach bum, this place is the best for sunbathing and wading in the water. For the more active people, water skiing and surf boarding are some of things that can be done on this beach.

After a long day of activities, it would be nice to just settle down in a quiet residence to just explore the culture of the country. The Rojenny tourist village is where one would want to go in order to do this. This village is a rather lively resort with parks and other facilities but still keeps its olden structure.

If one would really want to blend in with the culture of the country, then he should visit the Obudu cattle ranch. This place will show the public how livestock are being raised and how they make vegetables and other plants edible for people. Of course, the guests could also enjoy swimming, horse back riding, and looking at exotic animals and birds. It is both a relaxing and an educational experience.

No trip to Africa would ever be complete without experiencing the wildlife firsthand. Yankari national park is the most famous wildlife safari park in the entire country. It is the home to many different species and sub species of animals in Africa. These include baboons, elephants, warthogs, crocodiles, hippopotamus, and other different types of mammals.

So basically, those are some of the best tourist attractions in Nigeria. So remember if one would want to visit the country, do not forget to pass by these places and bathe in the beauty of the African culture. It will be an unforgettable experience like no other.

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