Saturday, January 19, 2013

Information You Need To Visit Peru

By Darcy Selvidge

If you have chosen Peru as the destination for your summer vacation, you need to do some research to find out about the country and its people. The more information you have and the better prepared you are for travelling to Peru, and the easier your journey should be. You can relax and make the most of your opportunity to explore this fascinating country.

The climate is generally warm and sunny during the day, but it can become extremely cold at night. Although January to April is what is termed their rainy season, the heavy showers do not last very long. The rain certainly does not interfere with the fiestas that are an important part of the culture. They are an experience that every visitor should try at least once. During the months June to August, visitors have the opportunity to explore the highlands and the exceptional views.

If you prefer the sun and to laze on the beach, you should visit from December into March. Out with those months the beach areas tend to be shrouded in mist. Although there are not many beaches, you will not be disappointed with the standard of the few beaches the country does have.

Lima Airport receives most of the flights from international destinations. Depending on your country of departure, you may not need to apply for your visa until you land at Lima Airport. However, it is prudent to check with the Peruvian Embassy about visa requirements before booking your trip.

US currency, travelers checks and credit cards are all accepted forms of payment in Peru. Visitors can obtain Neuvo sol, which is the Peruvian currency from the travel agent or bank before traveling. Alternatively, banks in Peru exchange currency and there is no shortage of ATM machines.

Menus and shopping venues provide customers with a fixed price for their wares. Buyers will not be able to haggle on the price. However, when buying from a street or market vendor, it is usual to barter as prices are often inflated for tourists. Hand-made gold, copper and silver items are very popular quality items that attract tourists. Peru is also famous for its textile goods.

This is a fairly large country well worth exploring. There are several internal flight operators making it the easiest and quickest way to travel a distance. On major routes public buses are possibly the cheapest option for traveling a distance. Visitors need to carry their passports and show them at the police checkpoints. Local in-town buses are also cheap, but are usually very crowded and slow. If hiring a taxi, visitors are advised to haggle about the price which should be agreed before the journey starts.

Any type of prescribed medications are particularly difficult to source, and if you can get it, will be very expensive. Travelers are advised to ensure they take along sufficient supplies of anything they need for the duration of their trip. Inoculations are necessary for those travelling to Peru, and should be given before travel. Due to the variations in the climate, taking a mixture of light and warm clothing and appropriate footwear for the terrain is best.

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