Saturday, January 19, 2013

How To Craft Your Own Fishing Lights

By Annabelle Newton

Fishing lights are a simple to make tool that is used to entice small fish. Often, small fish are attracted to the bright, shiny item and as they approach the object, they are often spotted by the much larger fish who follow them and ultimately, become entangled in the fisherman's line.

Just a few low cost items are all that are needed to complete your project. You will need to get a flashlight. Because LED flashlights tend to stay cool, they are the most logic choice for this project. You are also going to need some of your fish line, sand, pebbles or small rocks and a plastic container of some sort that you are able to seal.

Once you have collected all of the parts for the project, you will notice it is pretty simple to put together. Before you begin, look at the container you have chosen and consider whether or not it is going to be too heavy, you do not want one that is a challenge to get in and out of the water. Your container also is going to need to have a hole near the handle but, this can easily be made if needed. When putting a hole through the container be careful not to inadvertently make other puncture holes.

After creating the hole and running the line through it, test the plastic bottle to ensure that it is not going to leak. It is really easy to tell if a container is going to leak, just watch it when it is under the surface and see if you notice any bubbles. If there are bubbles, your container is taking on water and you will need a different container.

Once you are comfortable that the container you have chosen to use is going to be stable, weigh it down with either, sand, rocks or pebbles. This simply keeps it from floating to the surface on you. Remember, not to over stuff it. Though it is important that it has a bit of weight, you do not want it too heavy.

The next step is to turn the flashlight on and place it inside the bag, the in the container. The bag is used to add extra protection for your flashlight, if the container gets wet inside your flashlight will still stay dry.

Close the lid on the plastic container tightly and be sure fish line is still attached snugly and then carefully lower the container into the water. Try not to touch the container too much once it has been submerged because it will cause the water to become unsettled and discourage the fish from coming toward it.

Two fishing lights are used by many fishermen. Using two at one time, within close proximity of each other will help create a larger area for attracting the fish. Remember, the types of creatures you are trying to lure are often very close to the surface so, you will want to keep your container relatively close to the surface as well.

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