Saturday, November 3, 2012

Some Suggestions For Things To See In Cambridge

By Ahmad Culton

Cambridge is a place that offers a broad spectrum of different attractions to visitors. The place itself is a home to one of the top and best universities in the world with mesmerising views and surroundings. Cambridge not only attracts people for its educational prowess but is also famous for its museums, art galleries, theatres, events, historical buildings and many other aspects. A number of places that need special consideration have been discussed in this article.

Cambridge has a lot to offer with its many fascinating museums and galleries, restaurants, bars and old buildings. The city's most typical attribute is its cobbled streets and lanes, where one has the chance to admire the medieval architecture of centuries old buildings. These buildings have often been wonderfully preserved, so that one gets to feel the medieval ambience of that time. It goes without saying that as far as architecture is concerned, the visitor will get enraptured by Cambridge's famous, fine and majestic university, or more correctly, its university colleges.

No visit to Cambridge would be complete without a visit to one of the best and most famous attractions to witness in the city, that is of course King's College of Cambridge. This college was the established in 1441 by the great King Henry VI. For many years it was renowned as being a private university that only allowed admission of students who belonged to traditionally acclaimed families. The chapel that is situated at 90 degrees to the rest of King's College took almost ten decades to build and is the only part of the original grand plan for the college that made it to completion. These historical buildings make the city feel proud and beautiful thanks to the minute architectural detail done on the buildings. The Great St Marys church also needs special mention as its tower offers one of the highest vantage points in the city, allowing you to see the views for miles around on a clear day.

Apart from the magnificent architecture the visitor can also admire and enjoy the various types of nature that Cambridge offers, with its parks, rivers and gardens. The whole city is dispersed with all kinds of parks of different sizes, the River Cam crosses the city and the visitor should not omit spending a day at the Cambridge University's Botanic Garden. It is a unique place with 10,000 different species of plants and various types of landscapes.

The River Cam is also another fascinating site. If you have ever been interested in knowing the history of Cambridge, this is the place to do so in just a few minutes. This is one of the reasons why you should go punting in Cambridge. The river is small but very peaceful. For the few minutes that you spend there, you will get completely lost with the beauty of the place. People who have visited it say that it is not only peaceful but also clean. Others even say that it is a totally different perspective of what Cambridge is.

The city's size should not fool you, as Cambridge is most likely to captivate even the big city lover. So if you want to explore beyond architecture and nature there are also a great number of throbbing bars and pubs that you can spend your evening in. Shopping in Cambridge can also be a lot of fun if that is your preference, as you will have the chance to get a sense of the local spirit. There is a large open air market at Market Square where one can buy anything from food to clothing. For more relaxing shopping the visitor can enjoy the shopping centres or visit the great amount of independent shops.

Cambridge is a wonderful place famous for its architectural beauty and the beautiful scenario of the city. It is a wonderful place to visit and explore with your family.

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