Friday, November 4, 2011

What To Look For In Mens Clothing

By Adriana Noton

Mens clothing usually defines a man. When you are sharp and clean, a positive opinion is formed. When you are very shaggy and dirty, an opinion is still formed against you. The first thing that you should ensure that you get yourself is fitting clothes. They clearly show the body physique of a man. This does not mean that you should wear very tight clothes. Bad fittings are usually very bad for the image of a man.

The second thing you should do is keep your dressing very simple. Simple does not mean under dressing. It means having great taste for each piece of cloth you are wearing. Choosing an excellent shirt and pants that will complement each other is the way to go. A simple look means that you do not over accessorize by wearing very many jewelries. One or two jewels are enough.

Also mixing colors should be done carefully. If you mix very many colors, you will end up failing to impress. You can still look flashy without over dressing. For example, if you want to look flashy, you can just add a flashy watch or a flashy necklace. Being casual should not be taken that you will look boring.

The other thing that should be looked at very carefully is the supporting pieces. If you are wearing rugged tops, then you should also have rugged bottoms. When shopping you should go with another person who will give you an honest and genuine opinion of how they think the clothes look.

You cannot rely entirely on a sales man who may even lie to make you buy. Always be above the normal or the average line when it comes to dressing. Follow the trends carefully but make sure that while dressing for an occasion, you do not dress better than the host or a more important person in the function.

There are some things you have to follow to details. This are the things that are easily noticed even if you think they wont. They are not the main part of the outfits but they get noticed easily. These are the scarf, a tie knot or a pocket square.

All these details are very important but remember the obvious one that helps people make a snap judgment without you even uttering a word. These are shoes. They have to very sharp, clean and well polished. Women suggest that they can tell who a man is by just looking at the shoes. Ensure that they are always in a perfect condition.

Do not wear a shirt with a logo. That is clothing suicide. You will look like a billboard that is walking. There are very many shirts that are available for you to stick on that one. Trends are just trends and they will pass. If possible, just disregard them. Acquire clothes for example formal dress that will go beyond the trend. Clothes that are timeless. By doing that, you save money because you avoid going back shopping when a new trend starts.

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