Friday, November 4, 2011

If You Want Your Own Jet But Don't Want To Pay For One, You Want A Jet Card

By Genevieve R. Stone

One of the greatest ways for a person that spends a lot of time in the air to take their trips aboard a private jet for an amount of money that they can afford is signing up to get a jet card. These prepaid cards are created to provide you with all the perks of owning or renting a private jet without having to cover all the additional expenses of ownership or any unexpected charges that are known to come with charter services.

There are a great deal of advantages this card can give you when you think about it, from being able to skip a lot of the headache involved with going through an airport when using a commercial airline to being able to schedule your flights just about any time you want to. As a cardholding member of this sort of service, you get to choose where you are going and when you are going to be making your departure, meaning you are never at the mercy of hectic and often delayed flight schedules.

Consider for a moment that you are a major business executive that lives and works in New York City and all of a sudden you get a call for an emergency meeting in Los Angeles. Taking a commercial airline for this meeting would require you to book your flight several hours ahead of schedule and hope that they actually have something heading that direction so soon. Even if you are fortunate enough to manage getting a flight that is going to get you to your meeting on time, there's no guarantee that you will find a flight that can have you on your way home again until the following day or even later.

With one of these convenient cards with you, you just have to inform your service that you have someplace to be and they will get a jet prepped to get you there just as soon as possible. You won't have to wait around after the meeting, either, because after the meeting is through your jet will be right there waiting for you exactly where you left it, ready to take you home immediately.

That is just one situation for why a jet card is a very convenient thing to have, but there are also many other perks for the individuals who make use of this particular service. The point is that all your flights will be paid for up front, meaning that there will never be any surprise costs, and you have complete control about how, when, and where your flights will take you.

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