Monday, October 24, 2011

UK Flights Are Offer Many Happy Returns

By Saundra Hemmingway

UK flights can now be booked from the comfort of a study or living room table using a personal computer or smart phone and a travel portal. No longer is it necessary to waste time commuting to a city or town agency. Time saved may be spent in researching details of travel destinations and the most economical flights and accommodation options.

Before the advent of climate change Britain could seem a dreary place during the months of December, January and February. Lines of bare trees were outlines against grey skies. Day after day people endured low clouded skies and squalls of cold rain or sleet. To many it seemed that sunny summer days would never come. Fortunately air travel enabled them to jet off to North Africa, Spain or Greece and feel the warm sun on their backs. The annual holiday abroad became a British habit that supported industries in other countries.

Climate change is altering things quite rapidly and some people even predict that 2012 will be the year that the poles shift to where the Equator used to be. Britain may become as sunny as a desert. Though the weather may be used less as a reason to leave for warmer climes there are many other reasons to use the travel portal and fly abroad, if only temporarily.

Despite the fact that sports events can be followed in detail around the world there is a fashion for following national sports teams around the world as a sort of national team of supporters. Apparently the motivation for this is a desire to be active participants rather than passive watchers. Supporters may dress in fancy or bizarre costumes and hold up placards for TV cameras. Travel portals may be hugely useful in finding packages or planning semi-independent tours to watch matches.

Despite the apparent desire to appear live on TV many Britons are, perhaps unconsciously, weighed down by being recorded by surveillance cameras at almost every turn. Constant public scrutiny is just as stressful as George Orwell predicted that it would be in his novel written in 1942. As they are secretly filmed leaving the UK some may feel stress lifting from them as privacy is restored, if only temporarily.

When seen from abroad perspectives on a home country change. Even exiles who may have fled from a ruthless dictatorship tend to think fondly of the place where they were born. The annoyances that are endemic in any crowded society may suddenly seem less irritating when reflected on from a prone position on a Thai beach.

As the plane swoops down to one of the many efficient and familiar airports there are often sighs of satisfaction. Passengers relax. The pleasure of being home again gleams in the eyes of returning travellers on UK flights.

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