Monday, October 24, 2011

The Pirates of Penzance, Light Comedy Opera

By Trevor James

The Pirates of Penzance is a popular comedy opera by Gilbert and Sullivan and the most frequently played of all their plays . The show premiered at the Fifth Avenue Theatre in New York in 1879. It was an immediate hit. Its very first London production was shown at the Opera Comique in April 1880. There have been numerous modernised productions of The Pirates of Penzance since then, including Joseph Papp's 1981 production on Broadway which won several awards and a film adaptation in 1983.

The cast contains hopelessly kind hearted pirates, beautiful maidens and a team of hopeless but adorable police. Many silly mistakes take place in the plot, turning lives upside down.

The key character of the plot is a young man called Frederic, who at 21 years old is a rather reluctant apprentice pirate due to a slightly deaf nursemaid called Ruth. On his 21st Birthday, Frederic is standing, drinking sherry with the Pirates, when he announces his plans to leave them. Ruth, the pirates maid, explains that as Frederic's former nursemaid, she made a terrible mistake. She misheard Frederic's Father when he instructed her to apprentice him to a ships pilot due to her partial hearing and instead apprenticed him to a pirate.

Frederic appeals to the pirate king and his crew to leave too and pursue a more respectable existence, but he is not successful. Before parting company, Frederic gives him some advice and ideas about how to be a little more successful and avoid getting beaten so often. One important gem of advice is that they should not believe everyone who claims to be an orphan is being honest as their soft spot for orphans is widely known.

Ruth is determined to wed Frederic and having left the pirates, she manages to convince Frederic that she is extremely beautiful. Poor Frederic is convinced she is telling him the truth and believes her. Ruth's lie does not last long because a group of beautiful young maidens suddenly appear. Ruth is in despair as Frederic realises that she is 'plain and old' and she leaves. Frederic approaches the young maidens to alert them that there are pirates nearby. He and one of the maidens called Mabel, fall immediately in love with one another.

Shortly, Ruth and the pirate king return to tell Frederic that he has not finished his apprenticeship and must return They tell Frederic that he is not really 21 yet as he was born on February the 29th and only has a birthday every leap year. So his apprenticeship is not complete. To reach his real 21st birthday, he has to return to the pirates for another whopping 63 years! This is terrible news for Frederic. However he has an extremely keen sense of duty and feels he has no choice. Mabel who is smitten, promises that she will wait for him!

This classic is a great introduction to light opera and has managed to successfully stand the test of time. Its huge popularity has remained for more than 130 years.

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