Saturday, September 10, 2011

Oliver Twist Gin - London Gin In A Class of Its Own

By Stev Smith

While on my latest trip to Guernsey just recently I happened to meet some guys that were over there getting ready for their launch of a new Dry London Gin, while sat in the hotel bar. They seemed to be a good bunch of lads and we ended up spending almost all of the night voicing our opinions on football and various other important topics.

During one of our conversations they had reason to mention what they were doing over in Guernsey, and that was getting ready for the launch of their new business venture; the launch of Oliver Twist Gin.

No need to mention when I was told this I was quite excited as I had never met anybody before that really owned a gin, and being quite keen on the occasional gin and tonic at the end of a hard days toil. I though I might just as well ask whether they'd a sample with them that I could try.

Happily for me they did and went and got a bottle from their room that we sat down and polished off before too long, and I need to say it was such a nice gin with a delicate citrus flavour.

I am absolutely sure you can imagine that a good night was had by all, even though our conferences the next day were not really so productive as they could have been.

They were such a fair set of guys that we exchanged numbers and organized to meet up next time we were all in Guernsey together. One of the guys even left two bottles with the hotel reception so that I could take some home for my wife to try.

Of course she was over the moon with the exclusive present that I brought her back from my visit to Guernsey, and we are both eagerly awaiting the launch so that we can get some more of it.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Top Car Rental Tips That Will Save You Money

By Adriana Noton

Car rental business is a multi billion dollar business that has been active for a very long time. Survey shows that the industry has been making up to twenty one billion dollars in the last couple of years. Most people rent cars mostly for vacation transport though the trend has been going down in the last few years. In fact, the survey attributes the growth to home city rentals rather than vacation rentals. In the article, a few tip that will help you save money next time you want to rent a car have been outlined.

Research the internet. The internet has indeed made our life very easy; by the click of a button, you are able to access some very vital information. That can be very convenient to you. Through the internet, you are able to compare different deals and choose one that suites you. You also get to weight factors such as hours of operation, vehicle type among other dynamics. Surfing the net will most likely lead you to finding a very attractive deal.

Do your hiring on the weekend. Most companies usually offer cheaper rates on the weekend. In fact, one company offered sixty five dollars on the weekdays but during the weekend, the price went down to twenty three dollars. This is a whopping thirty six percent reduction in price. In fact, most companies give this kind of discount if you rent a car on the weekend. So, if your schedule can allow it, you are better off renting a car on the weekends.

Always go for weekly rates. Car rental for more than five days is usually cheaper than renting it on a daily basis. If you can not do the weekend and you envision using the car for more than five days, picking weekly rates is usually the best option. Plus you're more likely to get some discount or prices waivers with this kind of arrangement.

Always book at least a week in advance. It is advisable to make your booking early as you are likely to get cheaper rates then. Fees at most companies are usually dependent on how many vehicles are available in their lot. The more the vehicles available in the lot, the cheaper the price you will get. The reverse is true.

Avoid airport pick ups. You are likely to pay hire if you're to rent a car in an airport than renting the same vehicle at a nearby neighborhood. If you rent it at the airport, you will pay for taxes among other fees. This will in the long run make it expensive for you.

Be careful with the type of vehicle you choose. You don't want to spend a lot on fuel; fuel guzzlers will hike the cost of fuel on your part. So, if you can do without the huge space, these vehicles come with, you are better off choosing a smaller vehicle that does not consume that much fuel.

Joining a company club. If you use car rental services more frequently, joining a club can help you deal with cutting on cost. These clubs will give you some air ticket discounts and also free rental days. So, as you can see, it eventually pays off in the long term though you may need to pay some amount to join the club.

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Benefits of An Elliptical Exercise Machine Exercise Routine

By Engelbert Trump

Elliptical trainers are excellent for getting fit and shedding weight. Whenever you work out on an elliptical machine there are 2 critical gains: low-impact exercising and higher and lower physique exercise.

It really is for all those explanations that elliptical machines are rising in recognition. Treadmills market much more in total amounts, but elliptical revenue are growing at a swifter tempo. These are specially desirable to the baby boomer generation that may be seeking an alternative type of physical exercise and routine that lessens the effect on aging joints.

Low-Impact Exercising

The 2 most popular varieties of work out are strolling and jogging. But the specifics are running, and to a lesser extent strolling, trigger pressure to your physique by means of continual effects. In fact, runners can apply around 2.5 times their body excess weight to their joints with each and every stride. This is the reason runners and walkers typically endure ankle, knee, hip and back injuries. Specially whenever they exercise outdoors on concrete or asphalt. With each move there exists a degree of shock absorption. This shock could be felt all the way through your full physique.

Elliptical machines cut down impact as a result of their elliptical motion. Your feet by no means leave the foot pedals. There's no reverse action, or considerable impact. Consequently there is nearly no shock absorption to your joints. The movement of an elliptical exerciser simulates the normal path of the ankle, knee and hip joints throughout walking, jogging or running. And yet you still obtain a pounds bearing workout, that increases bone strength and density, and halts the development of osteoporosis.

Having a treadmill machine you will be regularly lifting your feet and impacting the treadbelt with each stride. Treadmills are built to absorb some of the impact, but there is still that continual jolt on your joints.

Higher and Lower Body Work Out

Additionally towards the small effect workout, elliptical machines workout the two the upper and lower physique simultaneously. By exercising many muscle groups at the same time you are able to optimize your exercise. By involving a lot more muscle mass in your aerobic work out you increase the efficiency of your exercise.

If you workout each the upper and lower physique on an elliptical exerciser, you use the quadriceps, glutes, chest, back, hamstrings, triceps and biceps. By training far more muscle mass you achieve the following rewards: enhanced body fat mobilization, you develop muscle endurance, you burn off far more calories and extra fat in significantly less time, and a reduced perceived pace of exertion.

Concerning the lowered perceived pace of exertion, scientific tests have demonstrated that an elliptical trainer workout will often be perceived as a lot less strenuous because of the combined higher and lower body physical exercise. The perception is the fact that you will get more effects with much less work.

Some great benefits of an elliptical machine exercise routine have resulted in increased revenue for equally residential and commercial use. They are gaining in acceptance at health clubs, and the place many decades in the past you could have noticed 1 or 2, you currently observe rows of ellipticals.

For those who haven't utilized an elliptical trainer you'll need to give one a consideration. But, obviously you can't take advantage of it regarding your own chest exercises. In case you are serious about house fitness products, seriously consider an elliptical trainer. The benefits surpass all those you acquire from a fitness treadmill machine, so you is going to be doing one's body a big favor.

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Double Duty: Use your wedding day Picture for your Christmas Photo Card

By Sheila May

A wonderful way to utilize your favorite wedding photo is with your annual Christmas card. It’s a fantastic way to capture the joy of the wedding ceremony and share those happy memories again with your good friends. It is difficult to visualize a much more suitable photo to commemorate your first year as a couple.

Happily married couples are discovering that their desired wedding photo works double-duty when printed digitally on a Christmas card or attached to a Christmas photo card using an eye-catching frame to highlight your photograph.

Should your wedding picture has been taken with a wedding photographer, you will likely have to get authorization from your photographer to reproduce the picture digitally on the photo greeting card. On the other hand, have your pictures commercially made and mount them on Christmas photo greeting cards using adhesive tape that's usually already positioned on the photo card.

While it is certainly more practical to imprint your holiday card digitally, the print quality of commercially developed photographs is generally superior. If you plan to use a photomount holiday cards, 4”x 6” photographs tend to work best. Most photo cards are designed to accept photographs in either a vertical or horizontal orientation.

Consumers have a choice of picking out a greeting between many suggested by the printer. With a few of the higher quality printing companies, you may even supply your own personal customized greeting. When you are adding your family names, it's traditional for the woman’s name to be first. In the use of a wedding photograph, it's thought to be proper to include the date of your wedding.

If you plan to use your wedding photo this holiday season, there are a number design and printing companies you may wish to consider. Certainly, Crane & Co. and William Arthur offer both photomount and digitally imprinted cards and the Stationers Guild affiliate program with Printswell provides some economical alternatives to print your wedding holiday photo card.

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The March of the Fairy Penguin

By Anton Maverick

Everybody loves a parade! The penguins of Phillip Island are no exception. These petite creatures, frequently called Fairy Penguins are also known as The Little Penguin, as they currently hold the title of the smallest species in the group and grow to 12 inches tall. Their systematic name is Eudyptula minor.They spend their day in the sea scavenging for food, as the sun starts to set, they make their way up to their burrows for rest and recuperation. The result is an one of nature's best parades.

Phillip Island Nature Parks, created in 1996, by the Victoria Local Government, is the setting for this great parade. It's a non-profit operation, profits from the costs charged are reinvested into research, conservation and education. There are a few viewing options available to the park's visitors, they range in ticket price from $22.71 to $80.44 (U.S. Greenback), depending on which tour you choose. Family tour packages will be available at discounted rates. Campervan Hire Australia can offer you reasonable camper acommodation also

It's possible to combine ticket prices for the other attractions available at Phillip Island Nature Parks. The Penguin Parade is a year round wonder, with no regard for when you are counting on going, booking your tickets in advance is strongly recommended, to reserve your selection of tours. Public transport does not exist between the parks, but camping accommodations, as well as other types of lodging is available and should also be reserved before your visit.

It is recommended that you arrive an hour before the parade starts. The penguins arrive at nightfall on the inward-bound surf, and waddle up the beach in tiny groups. This behaviour is thought to be a protection against potential predators. The beach is home to masses of these miniscule birds, you will be astounded as wave after wave brings more and more of them home.

Unlike their kin, the Emperor Penguins, this birds are not black and white, but done a deep blue feather coat against a white chest. Other than man, their natural predators are cats, foxes and seals. In other areas, for example Middle Island in Warrnamboul, the Maremma Sheepdogs are used to protect the penguin flock from foxes. There is much to see and do in Australia. This parade wants to top your list, for an impossible to believe view of these wild, beautiful, and small creatures as they march their way home.

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Tips On Choosing Movers In Long Island

By Leticia Jenkins

Transferring from one location to another should not be a stressful move for citizens in New York. This is what prompted many companies of movers Long Island to promote their business and respond to the needs of the public.

Owing to the number of companies offering this kind of service, clients must be more strict in choosing one that can give them the best value. To facilitate their search, they can ask for referrals from others or research on the directories found online.

Visiting the websites of the companies is necessary to view what their past clients have to say about their services. Thus, clients need to go to the testimonials sections of the websites or read the forums posted by critics online. This way, they can get an idea on how credible the companies are.

Moreover, it is necessary to take note of how wide the offers of the various companies are. Some of them might be limited to some articles only while some can offer a more comprehensive list of services. Clients need to determine what they need to be commercially transported to choose a good mover.

Safety of the materials to be transported is necessary; hence, clients have to check out whether the vans or trucks companies use are free from defects. Experience is another thing to consider since it can guarantee expertise on the job. Choosing an establishment that has been in the mainstream for a longer time would be better.

Listing down at least three companies should be enough for further comparison shopping. Then, clients can call them to ask a few questions about their services. Clients might consider special promos and coupons provided online for them to save on the expenses too.

Meeting these people up would be much better so that clients can also form an impression on their attitude. Even if the services are already enough to attract clients, it would definitely be more worth it to select movers Long Island with the right attitude for their job. Read more about: Movers Long Island

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Self catering holiday accommodation in Chamonix

By Andrew Jacobs

Chamonix , France has fantastic architecture and fascinating natural wonders. From snow-capped mountains to cobbled streets, Chamonix delivers a tourism destination for anyone wanting to have a vacation in a sophisticated setting. There are one or two options one might consider before arriving in Chamonix. There are opportunities for one to go self catering, that is to rent a studio apartment while visiting. The traveler is responsible for the cleaning and care of the studio apartment as well as meals.

There are positives and negatives with Chamonix self catering . A positive is that you would save a lot of money on overall expenses if you rented an apartment. You would do your own cooking and cleaning, which at the end of the trip, could save you a couple hundred dollars.

Self-catering gives you an opportunity to save cash on food by heading off to a nearby grocery store and preparing your own dishes. Making your own meals in a Chamonix apartment rental saves money for more indulgences like shopping and visiting main attractions.

The negative side of self-catering is that you have got to take care of the studio apartment. Instead of just sleeping and leaving like you would in a regular hotel or chalet, you would have to bother to clean up. Also, making your own meals and not experiencing authentic French cuisine ultimately obstructing your total experience. More than likely, you would make your own home comfort foods. If you're staying in a chalet or hotel, it's simpler to open up to different cultures instead of if you had your own food choices while renting a studio apartment.

Chamonix chalets are a great way to experience the natural marvels and the authenticity of Chamonix. With their rustic accents, chalets give you your own private space. The chalet is also catered and looked after so you don't have to cook or clean while on holiday. This enables you to relax which is why you take a vacation.

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Places to Stay in Brighton

By Andrew Jacobs

You will find great selection of Brighton holiday homes, flats and studio flats with cost-effective short term holiday lets.

Self-catering English holiday cottages are fashionable and well positioned. There are a large range of accommodations sleeping two to twenty-four. A 1 hour train ride from London will steer you to a fun weekend in Brighton, lolling on the beach, taking in concerts, shopping, independent shops and recharging in fine restaurants. A Net search revealed direct holiday homes minutes from Brighton beach. No requirement for an automobile!

Brighton is the fantastic city of entertainment; dance, drama, music, comedy, cabaret, arts, culture and festival events.

A couple of the large music venues are the Brighton Dome and Brighton Centre. Theatre Royal is legendary for its ' major West End productions. Open all year, dramas, comedies, musicals and family fun is offered. Duke of York's Picturehouse has the very best of art house, foreign language, cult and classic films.The totally approved auditorium provides comfy seating, friendly staff and alcoholic drinks. Where can you get live entertainment and a fantastic quality meal in one place? Komedia! Komedia has an all year mixture of theatre, great comedy, cabaret, jazz and world class music.

Come to Brighton Thursday 18th to Tues. 30th August for the 4 star reviewed Zippo's Circus. They have a new show and a new star, Yasmine Smart. World celebrity, Yasmine and her horses and ponies last toured Britain in 1986. Coming to Britain for the very first time is the Lucius Troupe in the Globe of Death. A young girl risks death standing in a steel mesh cage amid 3 motorcyclists racing at 60 miles an hour! Germaine, foot-juggles from her Harley-Davidson. Kimberly literally has a toehold on life, hanging from her trapeze with one toe.

The Brighton Toy and Model Museum next to Brighton Station has a first class, toy and model collection in over 10 thousand displays. The museum is also an official Visitor Information Point. Stop in for free maps and attraction info.

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

San Francisco Is a Great City

By Aaron Vincett

San Francisco is a great city full of excitement. Planning a trip to San Francisco can be a lot of fun. There are so many fun things to do San Francisco and San Francisco can offer a lot that other cities can not. San Francisco is known for a lot of famous things to do San Francisco. Some of the things to do San Francisco that it is known for are: hotels, art, family fun, zoo, attractions, wine country, Bay Area, Napa Valley, the Golden Gate Bridge, Hot Air Balloon rides, and the San Francisco Bay.

When planning family fun and things to do San Francisco there are some things that you should keep in mind. Some of the best things to do San Francisco are free and right in front of you. The Golden Gate Bridge is probably the most iconic thing about San Francisco. The Golden Gate Bridge is an amazing architectural sight to see. Since San Francisco is right on the bay, when the fog rolls in, it is an amazing sight. The fog over the Golden Gate Bridge is definitely a sight to see. There are a couple of different ways to see the Golden Gate Bridge. You can walk or drive over the Golden Gate Bridge. If you want a different view of the bridge, try taking a chartered boat ride out in the San Francisco Bay, and see the Golden Gate Bridge from the water. You cannot visit San Francisco and plan things to do San Francisco without seeing the Golden Gate Bridge.

San Francisco has a great ambiance to the whole city. If you are on a tight budget and are looking for some family fun, do not worry, there is plenty of things to do San Francisco that are free or very inexpensive. One of the great things about San Francisco, is the natural beauty of the city. The water offers a beautiful backdrop. Make sure you take a walk along the wharf or out on the pier. San Francisco has great seafood, so make sure you order some clam chowder while overlooking the bay. There are plenty of art museums and children's museums in San Francisco. The Discovery Museum is a fun museum for children and families to explore. Also, a great place for families is the zoo. San Francisco has a great zoo, and who doesn't love the zoo?

When planning things to do San Francisco, if you are looking for something other than the ordinary, try taking a hot air balloon ride. You can take a hot air balloon ride over the gorgeous Napa Valley and wine country. A hot air balloon ride is a way to see the Bay Area unlike any other. Hot Air Balloon rides can be a great family activity or even an excellent romantic outing.

When planning things to do San Francisco, make sure you do your research online. Online you can find plenty of reviews on attractions, hotels, the best activities, art, museum, and restaurants. Checking reviews before you travel or plan things to do San Francisco will help you with your vacation. Have fun planning things to do San Francisco, the city of San Francisco will be sure to offer you a great time. You will not be disappointed by all things to do San Francisco there is to offer. San Francisco Is a Great Vacation Destination

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The Dingle Headland - A Perfect Place to Tour

By Ian Bowland

You have arrived in the South West corner of the island of Ireland the extremely attractive county of Kerry, and you're packed and ready to go. However where to go and what to do? No traveller or visiting traveller should embark on a grand tour of the Dingle Headland without a plan and a good map; and the responsible traveller might want to include some convenient Gaelic phrases as this area of Eire is essentially Gaelic speaking. It's generally accepted as one of the best loved places of any tour in Ireland.

The Dingle Headland is a point of land jutting out into the Atlantic and with its back to the Slieve Mish mountains. Its view is ever-changing and on your tour you will see dramatic dark mountains, unsullied coastline and busy towns and villages. The population of this quite traditional area of County Kerry grows in summer as visitors from the island of Ireland, UK and further out travel to enjoy the sun and space of Dingle. Take your tour in spring or autumn and you will be assured peace, tranquillity and your own space doubtless the right way to see this spectacular place.

There are three ways to tour the Headland "from the comfort of your car, hiring a taxi to take you or through the hard graft of walking the Dingle Way "179km of lanes, trails and mountain trails. The majority will start their Dingle Tour at Tralee, the county town of Kerry. Famous around the world for the 'Rose of Tralee ' festival where young women of Irish descent compete to be crowned The Rose, Tralee is a busy modern town but with a firm sense of history. It's the gateway to the Dingle Peninsula and a great place to stock up for your grand tour.

Setting out south west of Tralee you work your way toward Camp and Castlegregory. Whether you're driving or walking you'll see the pretty Dingle cottages and homesteads that dot this area. Once you've dipped your toes in the sea at Castlegregory it is time to go west toward Cloghane. Head westward and you come to Ballycurrane and Dunquin sitting close on the western end of the Dingle Promontory, both typical Irish coastal villages. Or if you are wanting to 'cut corners ' you can take the Conor Pass out of Cloghane direct to Dingle, but this short-cut isn't for the feint hearted.

On the final leg you travel toward Anascaul. The landscape is breathtaking and you are not far from the gorgeous Inch beach with its golden sands and impressive views out to the Atlantic and the McGillcuddy Reeks. The 180km round tour can be done in a few days but we'd recommend that you plan some stop overs. Book into an uncatered cottage around Dingle "that way you could have the freedom to come and go as you please and experience living in this absolutely stunning region.

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