Friday, September 9, 2011

The March of the Fairy Penguin

By Anton Maverick

Everybody loves a parade! The penguins of Phillip Island are no exception. These petite creatures, frequently called Fairy Penguins are also known as The Little Penguin, as they currently hold the title of the smallest species in the group and grow to 12 inches tall. Their systematic name is Eudyptula minor.They spend their day in the sea scavenging for food, as the sun starts to set, they make their way up to their burrows for rest and recuperation. The result is an one of nature's best parades.

Phillip Island Nature Parks, created in 1996, by the Victoria Local Government, is the setting for this great parade. It's a non-profit operation, profits from the costs charged are reinvested into research, conservation and education. There are a few viewing options available to the park's visitors, they range in ticket price from $22.71 to $80.44 (U.S. Greenback), depending on which tour you choose. Family tour packages will be available at discounted rates. Campervan Hire Australia can offer you reasonable camper acommodation also

It's possible to combine ticket prices for the other attractions available at Phillip Island Nature Parks. The Penguin Parade is a year round wonder, with no regard for when you are counting on going, booking your tickets in advance is strongly recommended, to reserve your selection of tours. Public transport does not exist between the parks, but camping accommodations, as well as other types of lodging is available and should also be reserved before your visit.

It is recommended that you arrive an hour before the parade starts. The penguins arrive at nightfall on the inward-bound surf, and waddle up the beach in tiny groups. This behaviour is thought to be a protection against potential predators. The beach is home to masses of these miniscule birds, you will be astounded as wave after wave brings more and more of them home.

Unlike their kin, the Emperor Penguins, this birds are not black and white, but done a deep blue feather coat against a white chest. Other than man, their natural predators are cats, foxes and seals. In other areas, for example Middle Island in Warrnamboul, the Maremma Sheepdogs are used to protect the penguin flock from foxes. There is much to see and do in Australia. This parade wants to top your list, for an impossible to believe view of these wild, beautiful, and small creatures as they march their way home.

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