Sunday, June 4, 2017

Discovering Ancients Civilizations And Walking Among Their Ruins On Jordan Tours

By Ryan Lewis

The Middle East is in international headlines all the time, and usually not for good reasons. For centuries it has been an area of the globe that have seen almost continual upheaval and tension. Jordan is a haven of peace and prosperity in the midst of several warring factions. It is also home to some of the oldest civilizations known to mankind and the ruins that give proof of their existence. There are compelling reasons to travel to this region and participate in the available Jordan tours.

Before tourists ever get on a plane, they need to do their research and decide what they want to see while they are in this country. It can be difficult to choose, but the remains of the city of Petra is the preference of many. This huge archaeological site is one of the most famous in the world. Once guests enter the Rose Red City, they are transported back to ancient civilizations and cultures.

Guides lead guests through the Street of Facades, and the Theater. You will marvel at the Treasury and learn about the legend of a pharaoh's treasure. You will also see the dam renovated in the twentieth century to replicate the original structure originally built by the Natabataeans.

The Royal Tombs of Petra date from about 70 A. D. The first is the Urn Tomb that can only be reached by climbing several flights of stairs. The Silk Tomb comes next. It is the most colorful of the structures. Following the Silk Tomb is the Corinthian Tomb which resembles the Treasury, but is very worn. The Palace Tomb is wide and comprised of three stories. It is believed to replicate the Golden House of Nero. The tombs, high on their hill, are an impressive sight when viewed from across the valley.

Visitors to Amman will want to tour the Citadel, the remains of an ancient structure from the Neolithic Age. The Temple of Hercules is identified by the pillars, clearly visible well before ever reaching them. Hercules' hand is a disappointment to some. It often looks massive in photos, but is somewhat less impressive in person.

There are burial caves at the Citadel that date back to the Bronze Age. Whole communities were interred here. The waiting rooms are all that is left of Al-Qasr, a massive palace built by the early Muslims.

No visit to this region would be complete without a visit to the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth. Guides bus guests from Ammon on a day or half day tour of this amazing natural salt water lake. It's so rich in salt that everyone can enjoy floating leisurely in the therapeutic waters. The mud is rich with minerals and is a popular resource for cleansing beauty routines.

There are so many sights to see and things to learn, that one article can't even scratch the surface. It may take some serious research to decide which wonders you want to experience on your first visit. Hopefully you will have the opportunity to return to investigate more.

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