Wednesday, November 20, 2013

High Quality Taxidermy Animals For Sale

By Bonnie Contreras

Finding the best taxidermy animals for sale is easier if you learn as much as possible before you begin. Mounted creatures are available from many sources, both local and on the internet. Preserving animals has been done since ancient times, and there probably have been good and bad examples of this process for just as long. Knowing what to look for and what questions to ask can prevent disappointment.

Embalming before entombment was used for both human and animal bodies by the Egyptians. However, taxidermists are doing an entirely different process, trying to preserve the appearance of the animal rather than the entire body. Later, scientists wanted to bring new discoveries home in as correct a manner as possible for further study. The first how-to books for future taxidermists were published during the seventeen hundreds.

The taxidermist does not attempt to preserve the entire subject. The skin and often the bones of a creature are used, but the rest is discarded. The usual aim is to present the animal in as lifelike a manner as possible. The first attempts were stiff and unnatural. Birds were among the earliest successes and were featured in many Victorian museums, homes, and exhibitions. Trophy heads became popular, as well as dearly departed pets. That era also saw many hoaxes, such as a 'mermaid' that was a combination of a monkey and a fish.

By the early 20th century, practitioners achieved remarkably realistic effects with improved techniques and materials. The modern method is to stretch an animal skin over a form, which can be wire padded with wool or polyurethane foam. Anyone familiar with natural history museums knows how convincing displays of snarling predators, alert prey, or flying birds can be. Advances like glass eyes and replicas of fragile body parts help give the appearance of life and movement.

Fish are often assumed to be the real thing when displayed on a wall, However, the skin of a fish is very fragile, so what you see is often a precise replica done in resin or fiberglass. The spectacular catch itself was probably released or served up for dinner.

As with anything that requires skill, precision, and the right tools and materials, there's a risk of getting poor work when you want craftsmanship. Try to see the actual object before finalizing the sale. You should be able to judge the quality of work fairly well if it's in front of you. Check things like the nose and ears, which are particularly difficult to handle. A photograph, however, can be deceiving, and flaws might not be obvious.

One valuable tool is to view online photo galleries. The assortment of compelling creatures may make you reconsider your first choice. The poses are also interesting. You might have thought of purchasing an attacking cougar or bobcat, but one at rest or play may change your mind.

Taxidermy animals for sale can give you the perfect finishing touch for a man cave or an attention-grabbing display for a bar or restaurant. They can be much more effective than a neon sign or vintage license plate. You might even want a fanciful creature like a Jackalope or a unicorn that looks as real as life.

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