Saturday, October 5, 2013

Simple Ways To Play A Mental Game Of Golf

By Paulette Short

Golf is a very popular game in the world today. It attracts attention from all walks of life and has elevated several people to celebrity status. Many people today have started devoting their time to learn the skills involved so as to become good players. For some, they do it for leisure while others are doing it so as to develop a career. There are some tips involved in playing a mental game of golf. When followed, one can make significant improvement on the course.

The first thing that influences a good day while playing for fun or competition is the morning meal. One should ensure that they have eaten a good breakfast. It should be balanced and not contain too much fats. Avoiding coffee helps a lot since it causes dehydration which in turn affects performance. Starving oneself is not good for the body. It leads to a lot of strain on a body that is involved in physical exercises without food to fuel it.

When one arrives on the field where the competition is to take place, he should move around so as to know the extent and geography well. This will help him to be able to plan his moves in his mind before the event starts. This also helps in improving blood supply to the muscles and brain thus improving the body's effectiveness. Warm up exercises that do not tire the body are advisable to relax the muscles.

As the play progresses, one will lose water through sweating especially on a hot day. A player should thus keep drinking water in small amounts in between shots. He should also eat healthy foods in small amounts so as to avoid hunger which would affect his play. Fruits would be a healthy option for consumption. Foods that are rich in fats should be avoided as they overburden the body's systems and cause an imbalance that affects performance.

All focus should be on the ball when making a shot. Any distractions such as thinking about previous shots or the performance of others should not be accommodated. Shifting one's thoughts to the upcoming shots is also a distraction and should not be done when making a swing for the ball.

A habit before and after making a swing helps the body to synchronize with the brain. One can choose any custom that he feels comfortable with. When it has been established, it should be linked to good performance. Once this connection has been made, it will help a player to make good shots by doing the habit before and after a swing.

Mistakes happen all the time and should not hold back a player from moving on to better performances. Upon making a bad shot, one should learn the mistake he has made and move on. Dwelling on one mistake will only lead to repetition of the same and also more mistakes since the body is not at peace with itself.

To make it in golfing, one needs to practice hard. However, practice alone is not enough. Playing a mental game of golf is needed and can be achieved by following simple methods. Some work better than others. Emphasis should be placed on those that are most effective.

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