Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Showing Respect And Style With Airport Limousine Service In Atlanta

By Cornelia Reyes

Business is a mixture of product quality, market savvy and interactions with other companies. Human beings are social creatures, which is why online meetings will never replace face to face conversations. When a corporate partner sends its executives or the CEO to finalize a deal, it is smart to meet them with airport limousine service in Atlanta.

No one would question the notion that the digital era has made the bulk of information transfer between companies faster and easier to accomplish. Without regard to where another business is located, one can send information at the speed of electricity. If their time zone is far different from the origin, the e-mail will be there the instant they arrive at work.

Taking communication to the next level, more complex software and supporting equipment allows for disparate groups to hold meetings online. In an improvement over telephone conversations, even with video, these programs allow data in any format to be presented along with live conversation. While this has been a major step forward in reducing business travel, it is still not the same as in-person interaction.

Probably because humans are social beings, for really important events there is still an ingrained need to be present for the most important events in life. In the business world, that specifically includes the signing of major contracts between companies. The commitment to expend major resources in any format is a strategically significant and potentially risk event and deserves great attention.

After all the negotiations, discussions and contemplation is over and a deal is struck, there remains the ceremonial signing of the legal documentation. This is not a task for the operations or financial officer, but the Chief Executive Officer himself. When a significant commitment of resources is to be committed to a deal with another company, no one else will do.

This concluding act to seal a deal means the executive representatives of one of the companies will physically travel to the other, often with refining requirements, questions or embellishments. The most common way this occurs includes an airline flight. An administrative team makes the arrangements, but in the end the executive must make the trip to the airport just like any other traveler.

Even flying first or business class, does not mean one misses the boarding process, the plane goes nowhere until everyone is aboard, with all the other passengers shuffling by en route to their seats. Then after taxiing and holding short, the trip can finally begin. Once airborne, the flight is usually uneventful, yet because f the noise, vibration and dry air, each minute aloft is like three on the ground.

When the visiting team of executives shuffles out of the aircraft and into the terminal, they get to join the trek to baggage claim and car rental. At this point the hosting company can make a big impression on the visiting team. Having them met by airport limousine service in Atlanta shows style, commitment, and changes a dreary trip into a comfortable one.

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