Thursday, October 31, 2013

Putting Together An Emergency Preparedness Kit Could Save Your Life

By Marsha Klein

The past decade has seen numerous natural disasters and man-made crises, and still people are largely unprepared. The chance of surviving after a cataclysmic event are dramatically greater with just a little foresight. The goal is surviving for at least three days without any of the conveniences we take for granted, and having an appropriately filled emergency preparedness kit is the key.

In a crisis, the most important thing a person will require is water, and normal supplies may be disrupted or contaminated. Having approximately three liters per person per day is solid planning. In advance, it is important to note that fit individuals do better in such situations and can get by on less water, though a hot dry climate makes it more difficult for anyone.

Having something nonperishable to eat included in the container is not as critical, but it is important. Individuals who are famished have less energy and are less alert, complicating a difficult situation. While one can survive without food for weeks, the ability to help oneself get rescued is significantly diminished.

Injuries can make the experience much worse, and carefully selected first aid material can be very important. In the case of severe cuts, amputations or puncture wounds which can be fatal simple devices can make all the difference. Including items to be used as tourniquets or plastic sheets to cover puncture wounds make even horrible injuries survivable.

In the event of widespread destruction as one would experience during an earthquake, very few communication devices will be operable, but in most cases a cellular phone is an ideal tool. A battery powered radio is essential for gaining information about response activities and locations. Another important device is a light emitting diode flashlight for both signaling at night and simply seeing.

Signal devices can help those looking for survivors, and one must consider both daytime and nighttime tools. For night, an LED light will last for a very long time and have a lot of power, and doubles for regular illumination. Any reflective surface can be used to signal in the day, but a real signal mirror is easier to use and not very expensive.

Other simple devices can make the experience much more convenient, and safe. A multi-tool knife and a pair of pliers can allow one to shut off gas and power, open broken water faucets and open cans of food. If there is additional room in the backpack or container, dust masks, extra batteries and local area maps are all valuable items.

Most contingencies that would require one to be able to live without infrastructure are of such a large scale that a government response would be initiated. Even with this help on the way, a good rule of thumb is to be prepared for at least three days without contact. A great emergency preparedness kit can make the difference between living through a catastrophe and becoming a bad statistic.

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