Saturday, September 28, 2013

Things To Know About South Texas Taxidermy

By Marla Mills

In South Texas Taxidermy is classified as an art that entails preparing, mounting and/or stuffing skins of animals for study or display purposes. Vertebrates are mainly utilized than invertebrates since they contain a supportive back-bone, which renders them simpler to work on. This procedure may be performed on all kinds of vertebrate species of creatures comprising amphibians, fish, mammals, reptiles, and birds. An individual whose specialty lies in this art is known as a taxidermist.

Taxidermists can be employed by museums or other related facilities or they can own personal businesses. Such businesses normally serve fishermen, hunter, or amateurs like hobbyists. The art can also be performed to individual customers in their homes. One needs a perfect understanding of sculpture, painting, anatomy, and tanning in order to make a good taxidermist. A group of people with different skills can also come together and form a company.

Taxidermy has a long history and dates as early as 1748 in France. The first existence of the art was birds preserved for natural history cabinets. The various techniques of mounting were discussed by someone called M. B. Stollas in the year 1752. Taxidermy had several pioneers in different countries including Denmark, Germany, and France around the time of discovery.

At the time of invention of the art, clay was utilized in shaping soft parts of animals. However, this was changed because it made animals to be very heavy when installed on walls. The era in which the art or process of taxidermy underwent a golden age was during Victorian times. During that age, mounted animals were a popular component of decor and home interior designs.

The methods applied by taxidermists in their work have improved much with time resulting into little or zero toxicity and better taxidermic quality. Current techniques entail skinning the creature in question first. The skinning can be carried out without opening internal cavity of creatures. The skinners do not therefore see internal parts or blood. The skins could then be sprayed with conserving chemical products or tanned depending on type.

The tanned skin can then be mounted on a polyurethane form or a mannequin made from wire, wool, or wood. Glass eyes are installed using clay. Forms and eyes are sold on a commercial scale by various suppliers. Taxidermists can also carve their own forms that suit personal preferences. All taxidermists aim at ensuring that their work remains attractive and the results resemble living animals as much as possible.

Anthropomorphic taxidermy is a division that involves displaying or mounting creatures as if they are engaged in some kind of human activity. Some are dressed like humans. Anthropomorphic was mostly common during Victorian and Edwadian ages, although some traces are still present in some areas. Rogue taxidermic art entails creation of mythical and/or creatures that never existed or are extinct. Among the creatures created are unicorns, mermaids, chimeras, dragons, and griffins.

In South Texas Taxidermy is done by the best in the field. The specialists are normally available for hire by individuals. They charge low rates yet provide state of the art services.

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