Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Important Tips In Fishing For Tarpon Guides

By Helene Norris

Our great ancestor is blessed to live a life full of excitement wherein every meal always follow from an exhilarating experience of a hunt and sometimes fishing for big fish. Since we are living in a modern world humans only fish out of fun and not need. The excitement is still there though and the key west tarpon guides help you capture a big fish.

They are named as Silver King and in the Spanish language as Sabalo. Tarpon usually grows for up to 7 feet and weigh up to 300 pounds. Such gigantic creatures are found nearby shore and makes it the biggest fish anyone can capture without a huge boat.

Tarpons are also known for their ability to live in both freshwater and saltwater because they can gulp air directly. They possess a bone hard that is why they are hard to hook. Once hooked, they thrashed so hard and leap for as high as ten feet so that is why they are so prized for this. They are usually released after getting their large scales.

Heavy tackling is not necessary for this type of fish. A braided line will work fine but it is the monofilament fishing line that absorbs the shock of the thrashing better. The juvenile tarpons are no easier to hook compared to the large ones.

This fish are primarily caught near shores and also in rivers and some streams. A bait or a lure is good enough to catch them but baits with circle hook is the best way to land them. Having fun with the lure Rapalas is not good to practice your reflexes because once they jump it will be thrown right back at you.

Tarpons are known for their bony mouths so a hook should be super strong and have a very sharp point for it to penetrate the mouth. You should buy a good quality hook and test its sharpness by dragging the point over your nails so if it slides then it signifies that it is not strong enough. Use a stone to sharpen it.

Knowing that tactic named bow to the king is crucial when you are on the stage of fighting it. If it decides to leap out then that is the best time that you bow and slowly extend the fishing rod to where it is heading. This greatly reduces any form of impact when it land in the angling line.

We all want to take photos to flaunt to our beloved family. You just have to make sure to get it back into the sea when you get the picture. If you can, take it when you are still holding the tarpon in the water. Make sure that the fish is fully capable when you release it because there is a greater that it will be attacked by predators.

To summarize it you need a good equipment and maintain it in the best condition. Learn to get the most out of every fight and release them in the best condition for them to be able to live a long life. Be a responsible sport fisher in all situations and fully understand key west tarpon guides.

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