Monday, September 9, 2013

Determining The Great Benefits Of Hiking

By Adam Roberts

Hiking is one of the most fulfilling yet flexible workout regimen widely practiced today. No matter which country you go, there is always a part of humanity that wants to reach great heights. They either became occasional hill trekkers or professional mountain climbers.

What makes hiking special is that in the old times, nobody would make something special of it. It is just simple walking, yet going through on an elevated plane. However, it is very unique compared to simple walking because mountains and hills are considered sacred grounds.

Whether you ask either a novice or an expert workout buff, all of them would reasonably agree that hiking is an excellent for of workout. No matter where you go, an ascending journey on foot always requires twice the normal gauge of strength. So even if you are just plainly walking, you can barely be conscious about exerting twice effort and you are less likely to anticipate getting tired in the same way as what people are mentally conditioned with running or jogging.

Speaking of breathing, the higher vantage point of earth is always blessed with what one can verily describe as "sweet air". One may feel tired from hiking but the finish line on top offers a certain amount of rejuvenation that makes recovery easier than working out on level plain around civilization. The air around high ground is denser and it suppresses the normal urge for thirst and somehow neutralizes the discomfort from internal body heating.

Another way of explaining why hikers feel rewarded when reaching the summit is due to the excellent view on top. It is a natural human tendency to feel pleasure at being above the world they normally live in. Human nature is more akin to elevation, either in actual or metaphysical sense and they find happiness in "marveling at how small the world can actually be".

Pleasure is not only found at the summit of hikers, although that part of the journey is the best part. On the way to the finish line of their own journey, hikers can enjoy themselves watching nature all around them. The most popular biome that rewards hikers with fulfilling spectacle is often the wooded ranges.

Hiking is not just the type of activity that only vacationing eco-tourists are privileged with. Even the elegant working class under the National Geographic Society fused fun and work while including hiking as the inseparable aspect to their passion. Of course, there is no eco-tourism without seasoned tour guides and naturalists indulging the delight of "tree-huggers".

There is paramount learning to every activity and one very important lesson in hiking is something that not only stretches a lifetime, but also extends to the next generations. Our ecosystem needs crusaders more than ever, especially in an era where technology is often used recklessly. Hiking is one of the organized activities that will appeal to the themes of "loving our planet while we still have a chance".

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