Monday, July 1, 2013

How To Get Competitive Rates On Travel Expenses

By Johnathan Black

In the world of travel, it is important to know what you need to do before, during, and after your trips so that you don't forget something important. That is where these traveling tips come in handy. They will help you properly plan your trips. Follow them to smartly and safely enjoy your next trip.

Savvy air travelers know not to let delays get to them personally. In modern air travel delays are virtually inevitable. Every frequent flyer will encounter flights that run late, get overbooked, or even get canceled. Passengers can do nothing about these things. What they can do is remember that the airline personnel taking care of them are doing there best to get them to their destinations.

Don't judge a hotel by its name alone. Look for the year it was built or last renovated, which can be very telling. Hotels can take a beating and a newly built budget hotel, may be much nicer than a luxury brand that is showing a lot of wear and tear from not being renovated in years.

Long driving trips can be fun and economical, but the cost of stopping for meals every few hours will add up, especially for a family. If you are planning a longish car trip, make sure you have plenty of car food available in advance. You may be able to get away with skipping the hour-long lunch stop, which will not only save you money, but will get you to your destination sooner. If you have a second adult in the car, that person can serve as "lunch maker," handing around sandwiches, cutting fruit, and making sure everybody gets their midday meal on the road.

Every traveler should know by now that joking around isn't the smartest thing to do while waiting in check in and security lines any more. Airport personnel are simply too concerned about terrorism to take jokes lightly. Progress through these lines politely and in a businesslike manner. You're more likely to be treated accordingly.

If you are traveling and planning to wash laundry in your hotel room, set up your drying line somewhere with a good breeze, preferably in front of a fan. In areas with extremely high humidity, your laundry will not dry quickly enough to avoid developing a smell unless there is also air movement.

When traveling in a strange city by taxi, ask an independent third party such as a front desk clerk or baggage porter what the right rate is for a trip to your destination. Also set up the rate with the driver before you get into the cab. This helps prevent you from getting ripped off.

As you have seen, traveling plans, while various, share many fundamentals. They just vary in terms of location, costs, activities, and more. All it takes to decide what will work for you is some research, browsing, and asking around to get the best deals so that you can focus on the excitement of the trip.

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