Thursday, May 9, 2013

Birding In Yaxha

By Linda Patterson

One of the most significant cities during the Mayan civilization is Yaxha. This city is a part of the Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo National Park. The well preserved forest and the Yaxha lagoon are its pride. The lagoon is considered to be Maya Biosphere's most important water systems.

Yaxha As An Archaeological Site

This site is known as the third largest archaeological site after Tikal and El Mirador. 40 stalae, 13 altars, 2 ball courts, 9 temple pyramids and a series of sacbe'ob or causeways, connecting the east, north and central acropolis, comprises its more than 500 ancient structures. One can climb the 9 pyramids because the wooden stairs are well built and safe. You will see a breathtaking view of the jungles, the pyramids and the lakes once you are at the top of the partially restored Temple 216. The sound of the birds and Howler monkeys can also be heard.

There are still other interesting attractions and they are the Maler Group, the North Acropolis and the unnamed astronomical observation structure. The North Acropolis is bordered by 3 temples. The Maler Group features a twin temple which is similar to the twin Temples in Tikal. The observatory structure is not yet named but is very popular.

A Perfect Place To Go Bird Watching

This ancient Mayan city serves as a wonderful destination for nature lovers, bird watchers and those who are interested in archaeology. It is one of the main ancient Mayan civilizations and was rediscovered in 1904 through continuous excavation. Located in the southeast part of the Tikal National Park, it is also a part of the National Park of Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo. A tropical rainforest which is abundant with Neotropical varieties of plant life encloses the Yaxha lagoon which is magically carved in limestone.

This birding destination offers more wonderful bird watching experiences as there is less human traffic and there are a lot of exotic bird species. Flocks of beautiful White-crowned parrot, Red-lored parrot, and White-fronted parrot can be seen at the observatory pyramid. The lagoon also offers a great place to see a lot of birds especially the rare Jabiru especially if you go there during the Nearctic shorebirds' migration season. The lagoon can be inviting but swimming is not allowed due to the presence of crocodiles.

In the forest of Yaxha, you will be able to see a lot of bird species such as Tawny-crowned Greenlet, Pale-billed Woodpecker, Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher, Crane Hawk, Short-billed Pigeon, Brown-hooded Parrot, Killed-billed Toucan, Bat Falcon, Plain Chachalaca, Brown Jay, Slaty-tailed trogon and Blue Bunting.

For bird watching enthusiasts, Yaxha is the place to be as it is less crowded and offers the best birding opportunities.

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