Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Traveler Precautions For Safer Vacations To Peru

By Donna Beley

Vacations to Peru allow visitors to see a beautiful location and find plenty to keep busy, but vacationers will want to take note of a few issues to ensure safe travel. By following these precautions, it is unlikely one will have any problems on the trip. However, traveling uninformed of these precautions can increase the chances of finding oneself in a dangerous situation.

Taxis make the easiest and fastest ways to get around in most cities. The safest choice is to use a taxi operated by a reputable company and not one owned by an individual. The staff at the hotel, airport or tourist office can recommend the companies that are officially licensed. Ask a staff member with official identification to help arrange rides. If one must use an unknown taxi, write down its registration number and be sure valuables are concealed.

Traveling by bus is very common between cities and towns of this nation. It is best to avoid bus travel at night due to the higher number of accidents. Unless arrangements have already been made for the place you will stay, avoid arriving in a new town or city at night. Keep any carry-on backpacks or bags around your feet and arms. Also make sure to check for your bags anytime cargo is unloaded below the bus.

Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Use a credit or debit card to withdraw more cash from a bank or ATM when needed. While these facilities can be found in all the cities and towns, remote locations and small villages may not have them. Whenever possible make purchases with a credit card. Most card providers offer an excellent exchange rate on purchases made in this manner.

Either keep your passport on your person or leave it locked in a secure place at the hotel. Make two copies of the passport and keep one on your person and the other stored with personal items in the event the original is lost or stolen. Avoid taking valuables when you travel. Keep alert and always be aware of your surroundings.

Many travelers enjoy the Peruvian nightlife, but it is important to remember your own safety. Buy your own drinks and refuse those offered by a stranger. Ask hotel staff for the phone number to call a safe taxi to transport you back to the hotel. Always travel in groups and avoid consuming alcohol to the point of intoxication.

Avoid drinking water from the tap. Bottled water is the safest bet as tap water will need to be boiled before consumption. Also avoid any food from the street vendors. Most is very clean and safe, but avoidance is the only way to ensure it does not cause a problem. If troubled by an upset stomach, use the medications brought from home or stop at a Peruvian farmacia. The pharmacy will sell many medications to stop the problem.

Vacations to Peru offer much to see and do. Taking a few safety precautions helps to ensure the trip is safe and enjoyable. Keep your safety a first priority during your travels.

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