Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Travel Smart with These Quick Tips for a Stress-Free Vacation

By Charles Ivo

You are probably second-guessing your vacation plans this year because of the bad economy. Read further to discover some ways which can help you keep that vacation without breaking the bank.

When traveling by air, wear loose, comfortable shoes that can be removed easily. You will have to remove them for security checks. They should always be comfortable. On planes and in airports, you will walk a little but sit a lot, so heavy-duty support is not necessary. Sandals of flip-flops are great when traveling by air.

Make your flight as comfortable as possible by booking the seat of your choice on the plane. Sometimes you can choose where you want to sit on the plane, but not always. Make sure to take this option if at all possible. Doing so can help to improve the comfort of your flight.

If you travel to a foreign city, keeps a lookout for people pretending to be police or law enforcement. Do not let anyone have your passport unless you are sure they are legitimate. If they are insistent about detaining you, ask to walk to the office. In order to stay safe, never ride in a car with someone you don't know.

If you are traveling to a country with low water quality, don't forget to pack bottled water. The water you find in other countries may not be safe to drink as it can cause different sicknesses. Use bottled water any time you need water such as when you brush your teeth. Using tap water can get you sick, no matter how you use it.

Leave any valuable items you don't need at home when traveling. An excess of valuables will make you an obvious target for theft.

Prepare ahead of time if you'll be traveling by airplane. Most airports are close to major urban areas, making them difficult to get to at busy times of day, like rush hour. Pack your suitcase beforehand to save time. Make all the preparations you need well before your flight. With good preparation, you are sure to make your flight and not have to worry about missing it.

Pack a few small candles for your hotel stay. Candles will make the room smell good. The smells can be relaxing, the lighting romantic and it can help you feel more at ease in an unfamiliar hotel room. The majority of candle manufacturers have smaller sized candles available, making them convenient to bring along when you travel.

Remember this advice and you will be sure to have a great adventure on your next travel. Whether you travel once a year or once a week, you might have found some handy ideas that can make your future journeys easier than any you have taken before.

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