Monday, February 11, 2013

Whos Got It Better Than Us All Over

By Dorothea Garner

People all over know whos got it better than us. Things can be very difficult for people who try to earn money just to pay their bills. Many families count all of their coins and really can't afford to take any kind of vacation since the economy is in such a mess. People with money are making even more money while working class folks are losing their homes and finances everyday.

People who reside in England know that the Royal family is at the top of the list for having the most. Her majesty and the rest of the crowd never lift a finger to do any of their house cleaning chores. There is a staff available to them whenever anything needs to be done.

This family does not associate with mere individuals unless it will give them a photo opportunity. There are many times that you may see a member of the family helping out with charity work but they are merely doing it for the press. They have endless amounts of money that cannot be spent in one lifetime and they have all of the latest fashion wear that someone could wish for.

People who find work in the entertainment industry will have a very comfortable life. Housewives will sit at home everyday and daydream about how the famous are living. Anyone who has a hit song or movie will be thrown into this great existence that has everyone waiting on them.

Whenever they visit any club in town they are given star treatment which means that regular people will gain entry last. When they are charged with a crime it always turns into a media circus which plays in their favor. Tearing up hotel rooms has become their specialty since there will be no penalty for doing so.

The President of the United States has it quite easy when he is not in front of the cameras. He and his family take really expensive vacations which are taken out of tax funds. The first family will also get to fly on private planes that will take them anywhere they want to go in the world. They have a full staff that will be at their beckon call at each and every moment.

It is hard for people in the sports field to change their ways since they are so pampered. Money is literally thrown their way when they advertise products for companies. Football, baseball and basketball stars know that they have it made and they would not change places with any working person. Overall they have very little common sense and use their muscles to get ahead.

There is really no point in wondering whos got it better than us if you want to live a stress free life. Some of the ones on this list show very negative behavior and they know that they can get away with anything. Being reckless and spending tons of money is part of their game. Sadly people who enter into the education and medical field will always come behind these individuals. As long as young children glorify singers, actors, sports figures and the rest things will never change.

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