Sunday, February 17, 2013

Got the Valentine's Day Blues?

By Lucinda Murtagh

Yes, we all know it: Valentine's Day has become an enormous pain in the purse! Oh, the guilt of forgetting! The stress of keeping it original. The constant in-your-face advertisements for the endless products which simply must be bought to prove your love. Cynical? Yes. Realistic? Perhaps. Okay, I agree that one day devoted to your loved one is a fair idea.

But, heydo we all have that special someone with whom to rejoice? What about those of us who are single? Divorced? Bereaved? It doesn't take a cynic to realise that Valentine's Day is a cruel reminder of a life lived solo. The gall of it: to rub the noses of all unhappy singletons in the fact that they are not one half of a whole. Face facts, they are assaulted at every turn by reminders in the form of schmaltzy cards, television advertisements, restaurant offers and supermarkets crammed with novelty Valentine gift ideas.

But the optimist in me is bubbling through this acid. Perhaps Valentine's Day is not just for couples or school boys too shy to face their crushes. Perhaps we should celebrate it as, quite simply, a day of love. Any love. It could be a day devoted to acts of charity, acts of unexpected kindness. A day to treat a friend, a mother, a daughter. For, it is in this giving that love is most keenly expressed, it is this devotion that could remind us of how we are blessed in a difficult, negative world.

What about a Me Day? A day to meet someone new, a day to create something new. You could invite a load of your single friends to attend a speed-dating evening, for example. What better way to shake off that self-pity and to realise that singledom is not a curse or a reason to sob into your wine. Home House of Portman Square put on a fantastic event on Valentine's Day called 'One to One in 21' (with a complimentary glass of Bellini, introductions and good banter).

So, the moral of the story is simple - don't let another Valentine's Day sneak up on you and leave you feeling bad. Take control. Plan how you want to spend it and learn to create a day that actually makes you feel good.

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