Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Shisha Flavors

By John McCree

Trying to find the right shisha flavor for you? This article reveals several good resources for you in identifying and buying your ideal shisha flavor.

Shisha is the name of the flavored tobacco which is normally used in the a hookah. The modern day shisha contains all or some of the following things:

1. Tobacco

2. Treacle (uncrystallized syrup produced in refining sugar)

3. Honey

4. Sugar

5. Molasses

6. Glycerin

7. Nicotine

8. Dried Fruit

9. Distilled Water

The producers of shisha have been experimenting a great deal recently and they've developed some truly creative flavors such as Fantasia's "Cuban Mojito". Having said that, fruit flavors still are the most used flavors among hookah smokers. The vast majority of new flavors have a fruit flavor as the base. Flavors such as Apple pie, blueberry muffin and banana split are some of the more popular ones.

Owing to the improved production processes, it has become quite simple to add flavors to shisha and therefore a wide range of flavors is available out there. Unique flavors are produced because essentially every ingredient can be mixed in dried, tobacco, glycerin and sweetener.

Social Smoking

People generally smoke hookah in a social gathering where they can have the company of their friends and family. Hookahs grew popular in the Middle Eastern countries quickly and these smoking devices swiftly became an important part of all drinking and eating establishments. Today they are seen in places from smoking parlors, to clubs, to the home.

The smoke from shisha has a soothing effect on the smoker, which is one of the main reasons why it became popular quickly. People smoke it out of social pursuit and not for any kind of biological effect it has. While cigarettes give more of a "quick fix" having a strong dose of nicotine and a generally unpleasant smell, a flavorful hookah session may last an hour or longer, and shisha does not have near the addictive characteristics as cigarettes.

Getting the Most Flavor from Your Hookah

To get the most out of your hookah you do not need much, but just some good common sense and a strong sense of discipline. The first and most critical thing is to clean your device routinely. After every smoking session you need to wash your hookah. It is advisable to wash hookah with warm water than with cold water.

If you wish to enjoy a smooth smoking session then you need to stop the coals from burning up the tobacco during the session. This can be done by keeping some distance between the foil and tobacco. When you're packing the bowl, leave some millimeters between the top of your tobacco and the plane made by the rim of the bowl. Then, when you wrap the foil taught around the head, you'll obviously have the desired amount of space required to prevent the dreaded burn. One more technique you can use to maintain distance between foil and the tobacco is to place two toothpicks in cross on the tobacco. Tobacco should not be packed down very tightly in the bowl. A loose mound of tobacco that will allow the air to pass through it is excellent. This will also prevent the tobacco from burning as easily, and it will need less suction on the hose to have a nice, full flavorful hit. Some people also use two sheets of aluminum foil to avoid overheating. The specific game here is: KEEP IT REALLY CLEAN AND DON'T BURN THE SHISHA!

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