Saturday, January 5, 2013

Shisha Flavors

By John McCree

Looking for the perfect shisha flavor for you? This article reveals a number of good resources for you in identifying and purchasing your ideal shisha flavor.

Hookahs are used to smoke flavorful tobacco, most commonly termed as "shisha". The modern day shisha consists of all or some of the following things:

1. Tobacco

2. Treacle (uncrystallized syrup produced in refining sugar)

3. Honey

4. Sugar

5. Molasses

6. Glycerin

7. Nicotine

8. Dried Fruit

9. Distilled Water

Although today's most well-known shisha manufacturers have become extremely creative with their flavors, like Starbuzz's "Blue Mist" or Fantasia's "Cuban Mojito", the principal shisha flavors remain fruit flavors like Apple, Banana, or Mango. Most of the new flavors have a fruit flavor as the base. For example, Blueberry Muffin or Pink Lemonade definitely have their roots in a fruity base.

Because of the improved production procedures, it has become very simple to add flavors to shisha and thus many flavors is available on the market. The dried tobacco, glycerin, and sweetener can be blended with basically any other ingredients to create special flavors.

Social Smoking

Individuals normally smoke hookah in a social gathering where they can enjoy the company of their close friends. Hookahs grew popular in the Middle Eastern countries rapidly and these smoking devices rapidly became a significant part of all drinking and eating establishments. Nowadays, you can find hookahs even in the homes of many people.

Most of the growing popularity of shisha can be ascribed to the flavor and calming effect of the smoke. People smoke hookah in social gatherings with the key purpose of socializing with friends and not out of addiction. Cigarettes on the other hand are addictive and give a quick fix with a high dose of nicotine. While a hookah session lasts longer than a cigarette, the former isn't addictive for the smoker.

Getting the Most Flavor from Your Hookah

If you wish to improve your hookah experience, then you just have to follow a few basic acts of common sense. The first and most important thing is to clean your device regularly. After each smoking session you must wash your hookah. It is best to wash hookah with warm water than with cold water.

Regarding specific tactics, it's critical to prevent the coals from burning up the tobacco mid-session. The tobacco shouldn't get stuck to the foil, better still, the tobacco shouldn't even touch the foil. When you're packing the bowl, leave a few millimeters between the top of your tobacco and the plane created by the rim of the bowl. So that when you wrap the foil, there is distance between the tobacco and the aluminum foil. Another tactic that you can use to keep distance between foil and the tobacco is to put two toothpicks in cross on the tobacco. Tobacco should not be packed down very tightly in the bowl. Rather, loosely pile it into a fine mound allowing the air to go through the mound. Doing so, you will be able to get a flavorful hit without having to strongly puff on the hose. If desired you may also use two sheets of aluminum foil to help prevent against overheating. The rule is simple don't burn the shisha.

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