Monday, January 21, 2013

Holiday Destinations and Songs About Them

By Steve Alexander

Since the dawn of blues music, cities have been stealing the hearts and lyrics of songwriters. In fact, there are not many destinations around the world that don't have at least one song about it. Why not heed the advice of your favourite artists and bands if you're stuck for inspiration on where to take your next holiday.

Barcelona - Freddie Mercury - Not only is this a great song about a holiday destination, it is widely considered the greatest Olympic song of all time. Freddie Mercury impressed the world, as did his operatic co-singer Montserrat Caballe, when they sang about this dynamic Spanish city.

Opera had always fascinated Mercury so when Caballe asked him to help out with recording a song for the 1992 Olympic Games, he simply couldn't refuse. He even brought operatic elements into the Queen classic, Bohemian Rhapsody. The pair had such an amazing chemistry during the recording of the song that they ended up recording an entire album together.

Punctuated with affirming architecture, such as the Sagrada Familia cathedral with its indulgent Gaudi design, Barcelona is a city as grandiose as this song. Exploring the city by foot is also a wonderful activity, especially along La Rambla - a tree-lined boulevard of shops, cafes and bistros. Before exploring the medieval streets of the old town, you'll be able to listen to buskers and watch the pavement artists.

Going to Ibiza - Vengaboys - It's cheesy, yes, but it's also a song that everyone knows and sings to. The Vengaboys were a short-lived band that produced a few hits in the late nineties. But 'Going to Ibiza' was definitely their most popular and catchy track, which was not only played on the island, but up and down the strips of Spain and Majorca too.

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