Friday, January 4, 2013

Comprehensive Tarpon Guides For Aspirant Fishers

By Maryellen Lamb

Fishing is a popular recreational activity. This is perfect for spending your quality time with family and friends. However, this activity is not a child's play. There are challenges that you need to overcome to be able to get a good catch. Good thing that there are comprehensive references like the key west tarpon guides that can help you along the way for a good catch.

The location is a very important factor to consider. There are some places like the Key West island in the strait of Florida which are really abundant in fish. Since tarpons are large creatures, it only makes sense if they stay on deeper water areas as well. Just make sure that the gears you are using are of high quality and that you can manage yourself to avoid accidents from occurring.

It is equally important to wait for the best season to fish. It may be possible to catch tarpons throughout the year, but there are seasons when you can catch more. Around May and June, the tarpons can often be seen converged on hotspots. They usually swim together in a school. Since they are merged in a closely knit circle, it may be easier to get a catch.

The best thing about using a guide is that it eradicates the need of guesswork. Forget about speculating for the best time and place to fish. By just referring to the map, you can picture how you should go on fishing. The guide contains important information like specific hotspots and seasons when to head out.

You may also maintain a constant lookout for the fish. It is natural for tarpons to surface out of the water every once in a while. This is a process they do to gulp air. As the fish do this, they are giving away their location. They sometimes do it together, so you can easily establish the locations where you must angle.

However, determining the areas to fish is just the first part of the challenge. Even after establishing their location, hooking a fish is still far from easy. More so because tarpons are particularly known for being wild and highly active. They have the habit of making wild and spectacular leaps once hooked. This can be a very frustrating experience among fishers.

Learning how to distinguish a bite and respond to it is another skill that needs to be practiced. The tarpons are known for their aggressiveness, so it is easier to feel the compared to other fish. They struggle aggressively after biting your hook. Their upper lip can be likened to a tunnel top and the mouths hinge similar to a cargo plane's loading ramp.

After detecting the bite, the next challenge is deciding what to do. Making a minor mistake in this part may cost a lot. Losing a catch can be a very frustrating experience, indeed. For instance, applying too much pressure on the line may cause it to break. Pulling it on the wrong side may also cause the fly to pop out of the fish's mouth.

In general, fishing can be a very challenging yet relaxing hobby, especially among starters. Luckily, there are useful key west tarpon guides that can show them the right way. This is indispensable in learning the basics before hitting on the flats. This also contains tips and tricks that can be really helpful when applied.

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