Monday, January 7, 2013

Butterfly Farm in Bohol, Philippines

By Jonny Blair

While touring round Bohol in the Philippines there is the option to visit a butterfly centre. It's called Flying Colours and the most surprising thing of all is that it's quite good and very enjoyable!

This was my first ever visit to a butterfly centre, what was it like? To get in you pay 35 Philippine Pesos, less than 1 $US so that was fine. You get a guided tour a local lady shows you the caterpillars and butterflies and takes you round, she can also help you take photos.

First section you see a range of caterpillars and you can hold them. Despite having seen numerous caterpillars in my time, this was the first time to see a 'big' caterpillar. In glass boxes they have various stages of the caterpillar development - from being a caterpillar, to eating, to being housed in a cocoon to releasing themselves as butterflies! These were all live insects ready to become butterflies, the time it takes for the transformation varies but most of the ones we saw would take just over two weeks to go from caterpillar to butterfly.

After that you can see the biggest butterfly in the Philippines, which has been preserved in a box. It's pretty big! Plus they have also preserved a moth, again photos are welcome and you can get fun ones taken to pretend you have butterfly wings!

At the end of the tour you are outside in the garden and you can see lots of butterflies of different colours and get photos of them. I totally love a lifestyle of travel and these places are really amazing to see.

What is it? Flying Colours Butterfly Centre

Where? The island of Bohol in the Philippines

Best way to reach it? You can hire a car or a bike if you want but basically just get a driver and a day tour of Bohol!

Admission price - 35 Philippine Pesos

The people that work there are all local

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