Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Functions Of Your Car Cooling System

By Ping Fleming

A car engine gives off intense heat energy at very high temperatures, thus the need for an efficient car cooling system to keep temperatures at acceptable levels.

The basic purpose of a Car cooling system is to let the car engine stay at a consistently high temperature, which is the best condition for it to run smoothly and efficiently, as well as to do away with any undue damage to any of its parts. Cars work best under extremely high temperatures by design, but even then, they still require consistent temperature regulation to avoid overheating.

Understanding Your Car Cooling System Better

The liquid-cooled system and the air-cooled system are the two forms of car cooling systems available.

Liquid-cooled systems usually make use of a combination of water and ethylene glycol, which passes through the engine and takes in heat along the way before it is excreted from the system. Most modern vehicles use this method.

An older method is the air-cooled system, which uses air blown into the engine block covered with aluminum fins, keeping heat away from the engine.

What Happens If You Have No Car Cooling System?

Without a cooling system properly in place, cars are prone to overheating and tend to stop working altogether for this reason.

Cold engines are less efficient as well. Below the most preferrable temperature, oil becomes more viscous, thereby not providing the right lubrication that engine parts need for them to move seamlessly. This results in more mechanical energy expended by the car to move these parts as usual, further contributing to harmful emissions and reduced efficiency.

This emphasises the need for two vital measures to keep your car's cooling system in shape: regular engine checkups as well as replacement of air filter for cars.

The air filter for cars necessitate regular changing in order to do away with engine clogs, which further results in overall poorer car engine performance.

These services are provided in car servicing shops, which could readily change your car's air filter as well as check your car cooling system for possible issues. Albeit it's possible to do this by yourself, it is always best to leave these extra safety measures to the professionals to do away with accidents on the road and guarantee maximum efficiency in the process. To maximise your appointment, make it a point to visit a car shop in Singapore with a wide range of car services as well.

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