Saturday, December 22, 2012

See No Evil, Bristol's World Renowned Street Art Project Celebrates Its Second Year

By Hashim Javier

Located on Bristol's Nelson Street just outside the city centre, See No Evil is an outdoor gallery comprised of street art on an epic scale by some of the world's leading street artists including Sheone, Stix, Werc and Soker.

Beginning on August 13th, See No Evil 2012 saw 30 of the world's leading street artists including Sheone, Stix, Werc and Soker converge on Bristols Nelson Street to continue the work started at See No Evil 2011 for a week of music culture & art.

The event - which was part of the London 2012 festival of arts to celebrate the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games - is the brainchild of Bristol based graffiti artist Inkie who organised the initial See No Evil in 2011.

See No Evil 2011 saw an entire street largely run down and neglected buildings in Bristol covered with a range of incredible art on a massive scale with some pieces over fifty feet tall and covering entire sides of buildings.

The project was welcomed by local organisations situated on Nelson Street who agreed to have their buildings' painted over as part of the project. The organisations included a whole cross section of society ranging from a youth centre to an office block and even a police station.

The weeklong festival gave spectators the chance to witness first hand some of the worlds' leading street artists in action over the course of the seven days, complete with multiple sound systems to create a real festival atmosphere and culminated in a new York style bloc party on august 18th.

The initiative has completely transformed the area and caused a massive surge in people visiting the city to marvel at the sheer size, scale and variety of artwork on display in what has become Europe's largest outdoor gallery.

See No Evil 2011 proved just what was possible when one great idea is encouraged and allowed to take hold and given the support it deserves by the local city council. And with See No Evil 2012 picking up where 2011 left off it seems that See No Evil will continue to amaze excite and inspire for many years to come.

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