Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hookah and Hookah Bars

By Hookah Joe

In the last decade hookahs have started gaining a lot of recognition in the U.S. Simply put, a hookah bar is a commercial establishment where people share shisha tobacco through a smoking device called a "hookah". Hookah bars are typically found in urban settings and often near college campuses and universities too.

Quick History

Hookah and the idea of hookah bars originated five centuries ago in the subcontinent close to where today is the border of India and Pakistan. Making its way through Iran and into Turkey it experienced an increase of popularity among Turkish upper class and started to spread a lot more rapidly down through Lebanon and Syria and eventually to Egypt, hence the hookah bar is heavily linked to the Middle East. Hookah bars became popular in the Middle East as the places where customers used to socialize and smoke hookah with other people.

What Does A Hookah Bar Look Like?

In the more cultural places, the lounges tend to appear like their roots more carefully, often managed by people of Arab descent, furnished and embellished with a Middle Eastern or Indian design. At a few bars, nothing is served except hookah. But some multifunctional bars offer snacks, coffee and soft drinks too. A small bar typically does not have a liquor license and therefore they don't serve alcohol. But the large bars which are in very populated areas serve wine, beer and other cocktails. Some hookah bars try to provide a setting like a night club with live bands and DJs while many tend to keep the bar close to the origin of hookah bars with belly dancers performing in the bars.

Some hookah bars are purposely built near university and college campuses to attract the students. The trend has become common as a safer alternative to other kinds of smoking. Also, because college years are generally a time of new experiences, regular social interaction, and building strong connections, the hookah lounge lends itself well to college life. Cities famous for their secondary education institutions, like Washington DC or Raleigh, NYC have noticed a surge in popularity with regards to these lounges.

The Mysterious Hookah

Now that you know what a hookah bar is, you may be asking yourself about the device that has managed to spread around the world and spark a smoking revolution. Legend has it the hookah was initially invented in 1588 by a Persian physician in the Indian court. The Indians called the device as a "huqqa", a name which has stayed with it throughout history, although it is referred to as many other names for example "nargile," "shisha," and "hubble-bubble" to name a few.

While the primitive hookah was significantly different, possibly made with coconut shells, the end result has always been the same: purify and cool the smoke by moving it through water before inhalation. A basic hookah has the following four parts:

1. Bowl - where tobacco is placed.

2. Body - smoke produced from the burning tobacco is passed through the body to reach the water basin.

3. Water Basin - keeps the water, where smoke is passed through to be cooled off and purified. Purified smoke stays in the chamber over the water until it is inhaled through the hose.

4. Hose - the smoker inhales the smoke from the chamber over the water using a hose. A hose is often longer than one meter.

The end result is a calming and aromatic smoke.

Words of a customer in a hookah bar:

"What you put in the hookah matters not, but who is along with you while you are smoking. The idea is enjoy. All kinds of people, old, young and fascinating come to bars such as this one. All what people really need to come to a hookah bar is a heart to socialize, meet and spend some time in the company of close friends."

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