Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holidays in Turkey - Discover the Countries Greatest Inventions

By Steve Alexander

Home to amazing beaches, a variety of things to see and do, as well as glorious weather at any time of year, Turkey is one of Europe's most popular holiday destinations. A number of top inventions that are used throughout the world also originated from this great country.

Turkey is attributed as being the inventor of the vaccination although this is highly disputed. It's believed that Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, an English aristocrat, noticed that the Turkish protected each other against smallpox by rubbing the fluid from the pustule of someone infected with smallpox into an open cut of someone who was uninfected. She advocated the use of this after returning to England.

Turkish cuisine is also prolific throughout western culture, but relatively few people realise their favourite confectionery treat actually originates from Turkey. Lokum, or more commonly known as Turkish Delight, was originally created by Bekir Effendi who opened a confectionery store in Istanbul in 1776. According to tradition, an English aristocrat visiting Istanbul was so fond of the dessert that he brought cases of it back to Britain to share with his acquaintances.

Wrapped in silk handkerchiefs, it became common for members of high society to swap bits of Turkish Delight with each other as gifts. A chocolate-based version of the Eastern treat was produced by British chocolate manufacturer J.S. Fry and Sons in 1914 in order to entice the mass consumer market.

Many people know that doner kebabs originated from Turkey, but the original barely resembles the greasy, fat-laden portions that we think of today. The skewer of meat was originally roasted horizontally instead of vertically, but in the 18th century historical records state people began to roast the meat vertically to allow time for the meat to baste in its own juices and consequently enhance the flavour. The cutlets of meat were usually served in a wholemeal pita wrap and served with sauces such as yoghurt, hummus, chilli and tahini.

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