Tuesday, December 25, 2012

For A Fantastic Getaway That Is Truly Unique Mongolian Tours Is Unequaled

By Corinne Hyde

There is a nation located in the middle of Eurasia, the largest land mass on earth, that most western peoples know little of outside of legends and movies. It is a country that seems to have avoided all industrial progress, where the people live largely as nomads. Getting to the country and seeing its splendor is best achieved through Mongolian tours.

Westerners learn about these peoples in their history and geography lessons but know little about them as they live in the present. While nearly every schoolchild has heard of a fierce warrior, the infamous Genghis Khan, few can remember what he really did. Through cartoons, we hear of outer Mongolia, but still fewer know why there is an inner Mongolia, or of its significance.

There are more animals per capita than anywhere else on earth, and the clans live off the milk and other products from their livestock as well as hunting and fishing. It is a medical wonder that they can survive without the variation in diet vegetables represent. They have learned from generation to generation what parts of the animals to eat and in what quantity to compensate for dietary losses caused by weather.

In its glory days, Genghis Kahn united the nomadic tribes and, through a succession of brutal campaigns ruled over a vast expanse of central Eurasia. Shortly after his death his descendant Kublai Kahn stretched the empire eastward with victories over the Chinese. Later the roles would reverse and the Mongolian people would be driven back into the Steppes by succeeding Chinese leaders.

Like many of the civilizations, the period between 1100 to 1200 AD saw the country experience a nearly continuous siege. Over time they were conquered by the Russians from the north and the Chinese from the south on numerous occasions. With so much land space and such a small population, invaders conquered quickly. This same sparse population leaves the country a truly open wilderness, a tremendous draw for urban dwelling tourists.

When visitors from the US take a long ride into the steppes, they are exhilarated by the openness that engenders a feeling of freedom. This was the spirit that was evoked in the western films so popular in American culture. Those that remain to see the night sky are mesmerized by the clarity of its unpolluted view of stars and the heavens.

Another part of the country that is fascinating to outsiders are the many beautiful ornate temples. The population is made up of a number of segments with regard to religion. A very large part is not religious at all, but still a majority practice Buddhism. The latest occupying force, the Russians, attempted to drive out the practice, but upon their departure it burst forth anew.

Through the monuments and temples and the dress of the people, history comes alive in one of a dwindling ancient people. Pageantry abounds as they reenact contests of skill and strength still practiced from centuries ago tradition. Mongolian tours makes this wonderland accessible after decades of isolation.

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