Sunday, November 4, 2012

Is New York City Safe For It's Visitors

By Tonia Michael

Is New York City safe? That is the one question that many travelers ask and they do deserve an answer to this question. More than 11 years ago this place was attacked and because of this many individuals are very concerned when going there. When walking on the streets or visiting famous places a person's alert may go up.

Even though this town has since gotten it's act together with more security and police officers on the alert it still has to think about the other ways that a terrorist can attack. Some of the major concerns that this place has is keeping the most visited places well guarded. Some of these places are the Empire State Building, the Statue Of Liberty and the airports.

When the Empire State Building first started construction in 1929 it has always been looked at as a place of wonder. There are 102 floors inside of it and it homes a large Observatory which is the main reason why people come. It's security has always been a main factor for the state. An individual will witness the added security officers when entering the location. But don't be surprised if some of the visitors are police dressed in plain clothes.

This building also requires visitors to walk through security check booths when they enter. Individuals items are scanned and there are certain requirements when visiting the Observatory. They also have easy access to the police department if the swat team or bomb squads are needed. In the end this town has made this building very safe to travel to.

When visiting the Statue Of Liberty you will find yourself going through security checks very similar to the ones at the Empire State Building. Bags are checked when entering this monument and there are no glass bottles allowed inside. Security forces are also on hand and there is direct contact with the police and Ellis Island. These measures were taken to ensure every visitors safety.

The airports have long been a major problem for the state and it has stepped up on security since 911. The major airports such as JFK, LaGuardia, Stewart International and Buffalo Niagara International have all done things to improve it's structures. They are now hiring more competent security officers and placing detection devices at every angle.

More check points were added throughout the airports and each individual must do a body scan. Before boarding a plane all luggage is checked fully. There are also security dogs on duty who can sniff their way towards dangerous items. Detection devices have also been put in place to locate bombs and other fatal instruments.

The major question of is New York City safe can be answered only in time but people need to know for their own sake. When traveling by the subways or buses you may spot a police officer along for the ride. They have placed the police on many of the street corners and underground. Another important factor in safety has also been the neighborhood watch programs that people have added to their locations. All of these things make for a more secure state that welcomes all visitors.

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