Saturday, May 12, 2012

Preparing Your Vehicle For Car Storage

By Janice Careford

Traveling for extended periods of time without your vehicle can be a problem. It needs to be looked after and protected from thieves. Thanks to car storage, this is now possible. You will need to find a company that will check to see that the battery does not go flat. Modern cars have computers, so the battery must be kept alive at all times.

Vehicles should be on the road regularly in order for them to function correctly. Running the engine for a few minutes a week will not suffice. Engines cannot get warm by running for a few minutes at a time.

If the vehicle is idling for a short while, it may develop condensation in the exhaust and crankshaft, and this is harmful to the vehicle. Vehicles should be stored indoors and not outside. Even if there is carport, the vehicle can still be damaged, and it is easier to steal.

Wash and wax the vehicle before taking it to the storage facility. Use a fair amount of wax on the body so that it can be protected from dust and dirt. All rubber parts, including rubber trims should be treated with wax. The chrome rim should also have wax applied to it. Waxing the tires is a good idea as well.

Clean the inside of the vehicle thoroughly especially and leather or vinyl parts. A humidity absorber should be placed inside to remove any odors and moisture. Another option is to use fuel free charcoal bricks situated in a tin or on top of newspaper.

Leave the windows open just a crack to let the air circulate and to let the seals relax. This will help them seal better in Spring. The last thing you should remember is to remove any important papers from the glove department and to turn off the HVAC to avoid any critters from entering. This should ensure that when getting your vehicle back from car storage, it is in good condition.

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