Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Maximum Legal Amount of Explosives in Consumer Fireworks

By Harrison Hyde

In the United States, fireworks are categorized in relation to how hazardous they may be during shipping. Display fireworks or professional-grade fireworks fit in class 1.3G while consumer fireworks fit in class 1.4G. You may be wondering what maximum amount of explosive material can be used in a firework that fits within the consumer class.

According to the United Nations explosives shipping classification system, the maximum legal amount of explosives that can be used in a class 1.4G consumer firework is 50mg. This is equivalent to about half an aspirin pill. Fireworks containing more than 50mg of explosive material are considered class 1.3G professional-grade fireworks and should be avoided unless you have a permit from the ATFE-Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Before you set off your own fireworks display, you should make sure that you are only setting off fireworks that are legally acceptable for consumer use. Since the display fireworks are so much larger, they present significantly more harm if they are deployed incorrectly or if an accident occurs. As such, they are only permitted to be set off in controlled environments under the supervision of trained professionals. While it may be possible to find illegal fireworks, it is important to be able to recognize which fireworks are legal and which are not.

The explosive material contained in fireworks is one of the factors used to determine whether or not it is legal. A consumer firework can only have 50 mg of explosive material, and if it contains any more than 50 mg, it is considered illegal. For perspective, 50 mg is about the size of a very small pill. If a firework contains more explosive material than that, the potential for harm and injury significantly increases.

Something else that you might want to consider is getting some hearing and eye protection when you are using fireworks. They will keep your eyes and ears safe.

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