Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why Females Should Travel with a Diva Cup

By Brooke Schoenman

Female travelers may have more to deal with when packing than their backpacking male counterparts. The female traveler has to cover all the basics - like proper shoes, clothing and toiletries -- while also including stuff to make her look cute, and deal with the dreaded monthly period.

Luckily, the Diva Cup can help solve this problem for the traveling female!

The Diva Cup is a menstrual cup. Taking the place of a standard tampon, the Diva Cup forms a suction seal inside the body to trap your menstrual fluids. The cup is easily emptied (and rinsed) a few times each day. It may sound a bit daunting at first, but many ladies find the benefits of using a menstrual cup far outweigh any negatives.

In case you need to be convinced, here are 5 reasons why the Diva Cup and travel work well together:

The Diva Cup saves packing space. Do you worry about how you're going to cram 3 months or more of tampons and pads into your backpack? If so, you'll be happy to know that all you need is one Diva Cup for your entire trip -- something the size of your palm!

Avoid monthly feminine product expenditures when you buy one Diva Cup. In fact, you can avoid buying monthly feminine products over the course of 10 years if you take care of your Diva Cup.

The Diva Cup doesn't leak. Long day of traveling, perhaps in a place where the ability to use a toilet and change a tampon will be minimal? Never fear with the Diva Cup! Since the cup creates a suction seal, leakage is rarely an issue like it would be with a standard tampon. You can feel comfortable and confident wherever you are on your travels.

Never worry about finding the right brand. When you travel with the Diva Cup, you know that you will always have a product you can trust. This is very beneficial in countries where tampons in general might be difficult to find.

The Diva Cup is eco-friendly. Every little bit that you can do to help the environment is beneficial. By using a Diva Cup, you save landfills from hundreds and hundreds of feminine products over the course of your Diva Cup's life.

Overall, the Diva Cup is a product perfect for females who are traveling or living a normal life at home.

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