Thursday, November 24, 2011

Not Only White Diamonds Any More: the Modern Eternity Band

By Deborah Quick

In 1477 the Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave Mary of Burgundy a diamond ring. He married her the following day. Little did he know his diamond ring tradition would be wildly popular around the globe centuries later.

If you think that there is no exquisite array of diamond jewelry for men then you're probably mistaken. The revealing beauty of diamond could win anybody's heart which can be clearly evident from the ever rising sale of diamond jewelry from past so many years.

Non Conflict Diamond Detection Points The useful question would then be: How do I know if a diamond is a conflict diamond or a conflict free diamond? For practical purposes, the answer would really be: "There is no absolute way you can tell, especially if the diamond has already been polished." Difficult? Sure.

The last one is Carat Weight, or the actual size of the diamond, measured in carats (0.2 grams). Large diamonds are rare, so the larger the diamond, the more expensive it is.

The gimmel, made of interlocking rings joined by a pivot to slide together into one, was often exchanged between lovers about to separate for long periods of time. The fede, or faith ring, was a gimmel with the hoops ending in clasped hands. This style is still seen in modern claddegh rings. Jewish wedding ceremonies of the period featured rings of elaborate detail, often with bezels worked in the shape of a synagogue or Solomon's Temple.

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