Saturday, November 5, 2011

Keep Your Vehicles Safer Using Electronic Deer Whistles

By Jeff Smith

A few months ago, a friend of ours hit a deer while riding his motorcycle - or rather the deer ran into him from the side. Luckily, there was no major damage to his body and head only a minor wound on his foot. Every weekend, he goes out pretty much, hence for the purpose of his having an electronic deer whistle repeller. Now, he says that every time he is on his bike and sees a deer ahead, he just uses the electronic gadget and the deer would just be still, rather than attempting to cross the road. He was very fortunate and now, he is taking every safety measure to prevent the accident from happening again.The deer are moving this time of year with the change of seasons coming.

Are deer the most common cause of vehicular accidents? Deer are drawn at the edge of the roads because of the tall lawn and plant life. Often when they move about, the roads are their common pathways. It is inherent in them when they feel a threat, they run in crisscross pattern. At nighttime also, headlights from vehicles render the deer temporary blindness thus the latter would panic and run at any direction.Dusk, several hours into the night and dawn are prime feeding times, so it is advantageous to be more watchful during these times of day.

A few extra tip for you to note on the deer patterns and ways to avoid them, regardless of the kind of vehicle you use is to be cautious above all whenever driving on two lane or rural roads. Our place is in the country. Every time we go out our house, we come across a deer or two and occasionally a herd. There are instances that packs search for food in the garden near the road. Normally when you see a deer, there are still many others out there, so drive slowly and be alert for deer crossings. To make the motorists aware of the preferred trail that deer usually take is the point of installing deer crossing signs on certain parts of the road. When traveling at night, one thing we keep an eye on are cars with flashing lights that can blind your vision.The term "caught like a deer in the headlights" comes from a deer 'freezing' from being blinded by the lights of a vehicle. Should it happen to you, signal at the approaching car by blinking your lights.

For defensive driving of motorcycles, the helmet is the most recommended by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. To guard your face from stones and insects flying towards you, there should be a shield on your helmet. A wind protector or sunglass is not enough to give you security on your ride.Make sure that the face shield is securely fastened to the helmet, scratch free because scratches can refract light and blur vision, use a tinted shield during the day and a clear one at night. Wear something cumbersome over the ankle boots to aid in burn prevention from exhaust pipes and less contact from flying road debris.Our friend had on sturdy boots and the doctor told him it helped to minimize his injury. Boots that give you a good hold on the foot pegs is what you should wear.

Use a fine pair of thick gloves to shield your hands from the heat of the sun, wind, cold and blisters. In case of accidents, it can also prevent bruises, cuts and abrasions. A body gear made of leather or abrasion resistant fabric is what you should wear to avoid or reduce the extent of damage in case you crash. Deer horns on your car, you have. How about on your motorbike? You must have it as well because when you are on your bike, you are most vulnerable to elements of the outside, and this is crucial to your added safety. Have a pleasant ride without the hassles of getting into deer-related accidents.

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