Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is A Corporate Jet Charter Package The Ideal Option For Your Company's Needs?

By Fran J. Bush

Although it seems like it wouldn't be that difficult of a decision, there are good reasons to opt for either type of travel and picking the right one can depend on numerous factors, which call for careful thought and deliberation.

Business trips account for a large percentage of most company budgets, you must carefully weigh all of your options rather than making a rash decision based on a general price, keep in mind the old adage "you get what you pay for". One of your best choices includes a privately owned plane, as convenient as this option is, the upfront cost can be extreme. Your next option is paid for by the time spent in flight, with several other fees that can factor in throughout the trip, and while it isn't a multimillion dollar investment, it could sometimes end up costing you a good deal, depending on how often you use it.

On many levels, the main benefit to owning your very own jet come from the convenience of having complete and total control over how and when you take your trips, and if you find that you are flying an abundant amount of hours each year, it could actually pay off for you to take this route. However, if you aren't the only executive who has to use the aircraft and if there are many occasions where you and your colleagues are taking separate trips all at the same time, paying all that money to only have access to one jet isn't going to do your company a whole lot of good.

When your travel is relatively predictable, and only involves a few individuals, or occurs infrequently you may want to consider the other option, which is chartering a plane only when you need it. In many situations you can prepay for a specific amount of flight hours on a card and then have those hours available almost instantly throughout the year.

There are actually a long list of other things that should be taken into consideration when you are attempting to make a decision like this, like the distances you will be travelling and what kind of fuel costs you'll be looking at paying. No matter what your requirements are, choosing between owning an aircraft and using a corporate jet charter is one decision that must be made carefully.

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