Saturday, November 12, 2011

Emigrate to New Zealand

By Zak Dyer

Most people know that they want to move away from the UK, in fact many of them know that they would like to move halfway around the world, the biggest problem is once they get there they just aren't sure where to go. As one of the world's most picturesque countries, New Zealand offers its residents the perfect cross between a city and country lifestyle wherever you are based, but when it comes to thinking about more serious ramifications of the move you may also have to take into account lifestyle, schooling and job availability before you finally decide on a suitable location for you and your family.

With an urban population of around 200,000, Hamilton is one of the larger areas of New Zealand. Although Hamilton doesn't seem to feature very well on stories about New Zealand, it is the fourth largest city and home to a plethora of opportunities.

Hamilton originally started out with a fairly agricultural based economy but in recent years has really started to develop in its own right and is now the second fastest growing urban area in New Zealand. Hamilton still hangs onto its agricultural roots and is currently New Zealand's largest dairying area. Although the area has a long standing association with agricultural innovation, it is also well-known for a strong manufacturing and retail industry.

As one of the largest student cities in New Zealand, Hamilton is currently home to around 40,000 students from right around the world. Three of New Zealand's major Universities including Te Wanananga O Aotearoa, the University of Waikato and the Waikato Institute of Technology are all located in this area.

With a fairly temperate climate, you can be assured that a move to Hamilton will help you escape the bitter UK winters that many of us have become so accustomed to. With a very small temperature range between 10 and 30 degrees the whole year round, Hamilton very rarely gets incredibly hot or incredibly cold.

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