Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bowling With The Proper Gear

By Will Schlepinger

Individuals who want to play bowling should get familiar with the gear that they will need before playing. They should be properly dressed for the occasion and wear bowling shoes and use the balls of the right size and weight which are available in bowling centers, and to which it must be returned after they are done with playing. The bowling ball selected must be of the proper weight and grip; the player's finger size and the space between holes are essential for comfort. Most players use the conventional grip (used in bowling alleys), after fitting the two middle fingers and thumb in the holes, they must test its fit by swinging the ball lightly. For the occasional players, bowling centers have bowling equipment available for the free use of the players. Regular and competition players on the other hand have their own specially fitted bowling gear. Unlike amateur players, regular bowlers prefer to use the semi-fingered grip using the thumb and forefinger.

Bowling balls for male weigh 14 to 16 pounds, while the women's are 10 to 14 pounds. For the youngsters, there are the 4 to 6 pound balls to choose from. In order to know if the ball is of the proper weight, the players must hold it in the conventional grip and feel if he is comfortable with the weight. If not, it will cause the shoulder to dip and the player to be out of balance. If the ball is too light, he will be lofting the ball which is illegal. Another way of telling if the ball weighs just right for the player is the speed of the ball after the throw. Because the grip allows the player to have better control over the ball, bowling professionals recommend that regular players should have their balls drilled especially for their hand size. Playing bowling requires some physical exertion so players must be physically fit to play the game to avoid any unpleasant consequences.

There are other bowling gears needed by players who play regularly. Bowling shoes that allow players to slide while going through the motion of throwing the ball. The bowling shoes have sole designs for the traditional five-step move preparatory to making the throw.

A bowling bag to hold the ball

A rosin bag to keep the hands dry and avoid blisters when playing; and

A bowling towel to wipe off oil and dirt.

Players should make the necessary arrangement to reserve the gear of the right size and fit at the time they are scheduled to play. Ask for assistance from the pro shop staff at the local bowling centers when choosing your equipment. Some bowling centers just charge per game and lend the equipment for free while others rent the equipment. Players however who are regular bowlers or plan to play more often are advised to have their own personalized gear. Have fun bowling!

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