Friday, October 7, 2011

Is It Ok to Relight a Cigar After It's Gone Out?

By Drew Danson

It is no secret that cigars have a long burn and outlast cigarettes by a lot. The fact that cigars are long lasting is part of the appeal for many individuals who smoke them. The problem is that cigars have such a long burn that it can be almost impossible to smoke an entire cigar in one sitting. This is what causes many new smokers to wonder if it is possible to save what is left of the cigar and relight it later for further enjoyment. The simplest answer to the question is yes, it is ok to relight your cigar and continue enjoying its flavor.

As you smoke your cigar, the taste of it will eventually change. The reason for the change in the flavor of the cigar has to do with tar building up in the tobacco while the cigar is being smoked. The change that occurs does not mean that the change in flavor is negative as some people actually prefer the taste of a half smoked cigar. Relighting a cigar will take that change in flavor and amplify it some.

If you decide to trim the cigar back some before relighting, you may notice that the exposed tobacco is slightly darker than when you originally trimmed the cigar. This happens naturally as smoke is drawn through the cigar. You may be surprised to find that you appreciate the extra strength in flavor of your cigar that results from this darkened tobacco. Others will find the tobacco too harsh when relit and will make it a point to finish fine cigars whenever possible.

Once you have cut the cigar and cleaned up the end, you can use your lighter to relight it. Go through the same steps that you would follow if you were lighting it for the first time. At first, you might notice some off tastes, particularly if you did not cut far enough down the body. However, that should fade as you smoke.

To ensure a great smoke the first time around, make sure that you have a quality cutter and lighter on hand. Trim your cigar evenly and light it making sure that it is burning uniformly. If you need to relight your cigar, do the same and you'll never have to waste a cigar simply because you weren't able to finish it all in one sitting.

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