Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Days at the Beach with an Outdoor Instant Shelters Marquee

By Byron Jonas

For some reason, the great memories of summer days stick in our minds forever. With the extra sun and heat giving everyone an added spring in the step, crowds flock to the beaches all over the country to get a taste of summer in its ideal environment. There is no better place than the beach in the height of summer, with the wind rolling off the sea and your friends by your side.

However, we all know the drawbacks to being out in the sun all day long. The heat can tire you out, and the harmful UV rays of the sun can pose a grave threat to the health of our skin. Besides, when the weather takes a bad turn and there's nowhere to take shelter, a day at the beach can quickly become a glum ride home.

The only way to make the most of your beach days is to prepare for both the best and the worst of times. That means hoping for a beautiful day with no threat of rain, but having a secondary plan in case ominous clouds appear on the horizon. Taking along a marquee is an excellent way to cover both ends of the spectrum.

The marquees from Outdoor Instant Shelters allow everyone to take a break from the scorching sun without disrupting the party. The marquee will block out almost 100% of the sun's harmful rays, allowing you to spend hours underneath without worrying what will happen to your skin.

Picnics at the beach will be a rousing success with the shelter of a marquee. The food you brought along will stay fresh with the added protection, while the drinks in your cooler will stay ice cold.

The marquees are ideal for surfers accustomed to spending long days at the beach. Whether you want to paddle out several different times a day and take a nap in between, or be sure that your surfboard will stay out of the sun, the marquee will do the job.

It's hard to predict the weather -- even for the professionals -- and no one likes to plan for the worst. Sometimes a day will start out gloriously, with nothing but blue skies and fair breezes. Just a few hours later, it may appear that a giant storm is approaching. It might just be a sun shower, or a rain that will pass quickly. If you want to stay at the beach and see what happens, just slip inside the marquee and take cover. While the majority of people will go running for cover, you can just sit and relax, or invite a few neighbors to join you inside the shelter.

Even though an instant shelter marquee has multiple advantages over beach umbrellas, they take a similar amount of time to erect. Two people working together can put one up in about a minute's time.

Outdoor Instant Shelters marquees all have three sides, making it a nice way to block the sun on clear days while keeping the wind away from you on the blustery days. No one likes the feeling of getting sand in the face.

On a very crowded day at your favorite spot, bring a radio along, get a front row seat, and block out everything as the three walls allow you to focus on the vision of waves crumbling before you.

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