Friday, October 7, 2011

Company Jet Rental: Why It May Be Better Than Purchasing

By Max D. Farley

Where business trips are concerned, commercial airline options can be extremely impractical, so many executives end up choosing between jet rental and the purchase of a private plane. No matter which way you go here, you will get some advantages and disadvantages that must be thought through. There are many things that have to be taken into consideration when a company leader sets out to choose between these two legitimate options of non-commercial flight.

If you consider the endless flights that you will be taking throughout the approaching years, it may seem that an outright purchase will end up being the most affordable way to go, but it really isn't. Not only will you have to pay for the fuel and amenities that you consume on every trip that you take, you will also have to pay your crew and hangar costs, even when the plane isn't leaving the ground. Some people think that ownership can save them time when they need to get on a flight immediately, but in truth, even with everything you need at your fingertips it can take a few hours to prepare for a flight, under the best of conditions.

Though the rule doesn't apply across the board, as there are many variables, rentals can sometimes end up being less expensive than ownership even over long durations of time; especially considering the renter is not responsible for maintenance. Since these companies keep a pretty extensive fleet on standby, there is practically always a plane ready to go when you need it. There are many different types of aircraft that come with their own rates and amenities, providing a reasonable package for nearly everyone.

People who are still more interested in owning a jet than renting could try fractional ownership, where you will split the cost of a jet with several other individuals and also share the ongoing expenses. If you've ever owned a timeshare, you will probably understand that your ownership only grants you a specific amount of time on the jet, meaning your travels are still pretty limited.

Regardless of if you choose to go with jet rental, total ownership, or fractional ownership there exist numerous pros and cons that must be taken into consideration. The amount of planning flexibility and in-flight luxuries you get by going with a private jet can't be matched by even the most expensive commercial airline packages.

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