Saturday, September 3, 2011

Three Gardening Ideas To Remember

By Harvey Q. Xavier

The process of creating a wonderful garden shouldn't be rushed at all. Lots of thought should be given to the design stages, especially considering there are some very sensitive plants out there. It's definitely worth all of the effort though.

Remember Your Pet: It is commonly believed that you cannot have a garden if you have a pet, but this is a myth. Ingenuity is the answer. Your pets may demand certain necessities; you simply take these into consideration. The most significant issue would be when your pet defecates on the yard; this can cause spots due to the nitrogen in the feces. This can be avoided, though, by diluting the area with a little extra water or dusting with gypsum. You can trowel up the feces and then put it into the waste. Just make sure not to put it in your compost because their waste does not fall under the guidelines of healthy fertilizer; due to the meat they consume. One thing to be aware of when you arrange your garden; is to consider where your pets will drink and have a shade supply.

That is why it is important not to rush things and tackle too many projects at once. Taking things slowly will make it easy for you to manage costs and make sure that you complete everything. Swapping plants with other gardeners, making your own compost, growing plants from seeds and getting things from yard sales are all great ways that you can save money on your garden. Use Mulch or Do Not Use Mulch: You do not need to mulch, but it is usually a good idea. One great aspect of mulch; is the fact that with its use, weeds are unable to get the sunlight they need to grow. It also keeps the dirt moist, so the soil will no dry out quite so fast. Mulch will also let the dirt maintain a steady temperature, also cooling and heating at a more graduated pace. Mulch also defends the roots from the cold in the winter months and also keep the plants from frost heaving. Frost heaving is when the plants are pressed out of the soil after it has been frozen and then thawed repeatedly. In summer, mulch will also keep the roots of your plants cooler and, depending on the type of mulch you are using, it can improve the nutrition of your plants as it decomposes. The things used for mulch are many, such as grass clippings, hay, wood chips, peat moss, etc.

Perennials are good because they are a one time investment compared to annuals which need to be bought each year. As there are many different perennials that are available on the market you can make amazing combinations. Plan your garden carefully so that you get the effect you want; remember this. Some perennials bloom later than others and some have a longer length of blooming time. By planning in advance a gardener can create a stunning effect as they know when their perennials are going to bloom. Bleeding hearts bloom in spring whereas hardy geranium's will bloom in the midsummer. Then there are fall bloomers like that mum and dahlia or the ones that bloom all summer like the evening primrose or the hollyhock. Throughout the season you can have a stunning garden if you know when the perennials are going to bloom.

The results obtained from gardening are worth the common sense, basic principals followed, and the effort put into it.

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