Thursday, September 15, 2011

See The Beauty Of Africa On A Zambia Safari

By Denver Burke

Visitors taking a Zambia safari have the opportunity to see some of the most beautiful places in the world. The undiscovered beauty of the Kafue National Park, the Lower Zambezi River and the gorgeous Victoria Falls are all popular points of interest that can be seen and enjoyed.

Several countries neighbor the Republic of Zambia. Neighbors include such countries as Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola and Botswana among others all share some piece of the border. The country has many rivers but no direct sea access. Lusaka, the capital city, and the northwestern Copperbelt are home to the vast majority of the population.

Northern Rhodesia was the original name of the country. It was given by the British while they were in power. This name remained in place until 1964, when independence was won. The name changed to an honoring of the Lower Zambezi River. The name of the river can be translated to "God's river".

There are nine main ethnolinguistic groups along with over 60 additional smaller ones. Geography dictates the location, and often the size of the different groups. The nine primary ones are all represented in the population centers.

English is the official language. It is used as the language of instruction in Zambian schools and for conducting business. Many other languages are spoken in accordance with the tradition of the ethnic group. Urbanization has increased the use of the English language as well as its assimilation with the indigenous languages.

A tour of less urban areas is an excellent way to experience the less urban areas of the country. A popular spot to see is Victoria Falls which is one of the seven wonders of the world. Many paths can be followed to see the falling water. One of the most popular runs along the Knife Edge Bridge.

Another must see on a Zambia safari is the aforementioned Zambezi River. It is a protected area that was given its National Park status in 1983. This safari destination provides views of elephant, buffalo, hippo and lions.

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