Sunday, September 11, 2011

The History Of Horse Racing In Britain And America

By Byron Jonas

The very first human that saw horses racing across the plain probably decided which one would get there first and made a mental bet on it. Horse racing is an ancient sport and can be traced to Central Asia in 4500 BC with those that first started to ride and domesticate the wild horses in the area. Kings and upper class were the first to race their own horses and make wagers on who would win. The first Olympics in Greece had several horse racing events from mounted horses to chariot races. This was the very beginning of the history of horse racing.

Modern horse racing began after the crusades when the 12th century knights brought Arabian horses back to England with them. Arabians were larger and swifter than the English horse. They returned with stallions that were bred with the English Horse. This made the offspring very strong and able to endure long and hard riding with speed and grace.

Up until 1752 there was no documentation of any horse races until the race from Buttevant Church to St Marys in Ireland County Cork in the town on Doneraile. The horses raced from the steeple of one church to the steeple of the other and the first steeplechase was born. Steeple chasing was very popular in Britain and the most well known races are Liverpools Grand National that ran its first race in 1839 and the Irish Grand National taking place on Easter weekend every year in County Meath.

Starting in the nineteenth century professional horse racing had started. Training of horses and of people to ride the horses was desired because you wanted to have the best horse. The best horse made the most money in the betting circles. Those that owned the trained horses made a great deal of money in 1750 they started up a governing authority for horse racing at Newmarket forming the Jockey Club. This authority has all control over British Horse Racing to this day.

All regulations and rules pertaining to horse racing were recorded by the Jockey club. When making rules they looked at the type of racing and tracks that needed to be used for that particular type. It set up five races for three year old horses, three for only male horses and three for only fillies which makes up the English Triple Crown. The Jockey club administered all breeding regulation too. They documented pedigree of each horse and regulated what horses could race.

Horses that have a documented family tree or pedigree are considered Thoroughbreds. These horses have been inbred and can have their linage tracked down to one of three Stallions brought over from Arabia and bred with other horses. Racing of thoroughbreds came over to America in 1665 and a track was built on Long Island. Racing horses became very popular and by 1890 there were over 300 race tracks in America.

This was a problem because America did not have the Jockey Club to regulate the tracks and therefore they were run by crooked individuals only interested in getting rich without care of the sport. In 1894 the American Jockey Club was formed. They had their hands full because horse racing in America had become something deplorable instead of a grand day out for the wealthy as it was in England. Those that frequented American race tracks were considered to be undesirables.

Interestingly enough during this time of exile for horse racing in America, pari-mutuel betting was introduced for the Kentucky Derby in 1908. This was legalized horse gambling and this turned everything around for horse racing in America. Tracks began to open again and grew from the mere 35 that were left. Horse racing once again was a respectable sport and by 1970 it was very popular again.

In America and Britain there are several different forms of horse racing. The Steeplechase is very popular in both countries. An American variety of racing called harness racing has many tracks that were specifically built to specifications for that type of racing. Thoroughbred racing is probably the most popular and consists of a flat, oval track from about three fourths of a mile to two miles in length. Both countries have many thoroughbred racing venues from which to choose. Both countries have regulations and rules that make racing and betting acceptable. They also regulate horses that can race and continue to keep a running record of all pedigrees of race horses.

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