Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fundy National Parks: A Wilderness Teaming With Wildlife

By Steve Monroe

Along the shores, in the water and surging overhead, observe the routines of the Bay of Fundy's unique wildlife. Watch sandpipers and plovers scurrying over the mudflats, white-tailed deer sipping a sip of water from rivers and lakes or even a moose rising from a marshland sleep. Above you, gaze at the sleak acrobatics of falcons, ospreys, and bald eagles. To view sea mammals and seabirds playing in their cold, water home, take an enjoyable nature cruise.

To experience the wilderness surrounding the Bay of Fundy, explore the expansive wilderness of Fundy National Park, travel the Fundy Trail Parkway to previously unreachable coastal areas, check the old-growth forests and steep ravines of Cape Chignecto Provincial Park or visit Brier Island to understand its wealth of wildflowers, orchids and the endangered Eastern Mountain Avens.

Fundy National Park

Fundy National Park is the place where the Caledonia Highlands meet the fog-generating Bay of Fundy. New Brunswick's first national park, Fundy's coastline is shaped daily by the bay's giant tides. Fundy National Park is home to over 260 species of birds, assorted amphibians and reptiles and almost 40 species of mammals. Go hiking (hiking trails go from easy, short loops to intense 50km circuits), biking (on one of 6 mountain bike trails) or take a an enjoyable swim at Bennett or Wolfe Lake. Or maybe consider indulging in a geocaching experience.

Fundy Trail Parkway

Situated just outside of the fishing village of St. Martins, the Fundy Trail Parkway permits its visitors to explore previously unreachable coastal areas and some of the last remaining coastal wilderness between Florida and Newfoundland. Learn of the community's rich past in logging, fishing and shipbuilding, spot plant, marine and wildlife in their natural habitats, witness the ebb and flow of world's highest tides and enjoy positively striking views. The Fundy Trail offers paved automobile parkways, cycling and hiking trails and stairways to perfect beaches.

Cape Chignecto Provincial Park

Made up of 600-foot towering cliffs, 18 kilometres of spotless coastline, steep ravines and old-growth forests, Cape Chignecto Provincial Park is found on the Western end of the Avalon Eco-Zone along the Bay of Fundy. Not only is the park a good spot to look at the tides, as they continuously lap at the base of the cliffs, Cape Chignecto is home to some of the province's most significant geological deep valleys, 8 fantastic hiking trails of assorted difficulty, rare plantlife, scenic vistas and rich cultural heritage.

Brier Island

Two short ferry rides from Digby Neck will bring you to one of Nova Scotia's best eco-destinations, Brier Island. Brier Island is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, twisting coastal hiking trails, 2 beautiful lighthouses and is great place to embark on various sea journeys. Brier Island, positioned on the Atlantic Flyway, is also a fantastic place for bird watching, particularly during fall migration.

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